I am attempting to upgrade my cubecart dev environment running on my localhost windows 7 iis installation.
Compatibility Check
5.3.10 PHP 5.2.3+
mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Revision: 321634 $ MySQL 4.1+
Installed GD Image Library
Installed cURL
Installed IonCube PHP Loader or Zend Optimizer
Optional Features
Not Installed APC
Installed bz2
Installed EXIF
Not Installed FileInfo
Installed Hash
Installed mCrypt
Not Installed memcache
Installed mysqli
Not Installed XCache
Not Installed XDebug
Installed ZIP
The process run fine through the 4.3.7 > 4.3.9 > 4.4.5 then throws the following error:
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 1932787712) (tried to allocate 361843 bytes) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\weldingshop\classes\db\mysqli.class.php on line 148
As you can see from the amount of memory allocate dI have uped this to an extreme amount but the error still occurs. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. )