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V3.0.5 Admin E-Mail Fix in HERE!


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Guest GoodLiteCandles

Okay, it works and I get the email. I have one question though. At the bottom of the email if has the product listed twice. If only one was ordered and charged for, wht does it show twice?

Order Inventory:

Product: 18 oz. jar

Options: Choose a fragrance - Almond Creme 

Quantity: 1

Product Code: 18OZJAR

Price: $19.99

Product: 18 oz. jar

Options: Choose a fragrance - Almond Creme 

Quantity: 1

Product Code: 18OZJAR

Price: $19.99

Here's the whole email...

Dear  Hollie Rudy,

Thank you for your order no: 051019-074937-7521 placed on Oct 19 2005, 12:26 PM

The transaction was successful and we will ship your goods at the first possible

opportunity (if applicable).


Name:  Hollie Rudy

Subtotal: $19.99

Postage & Packaging: $5.38

Tax: $1.20

Grand Total: $26.57


Invoice Address:

Hollie Rudy

xxxx xxxxxxxx Drive




United States

Shipping Address:

Hollie Rudy

xxxx xxxxxxxx Drive




United States

Payment Method: Authorize

Shipping Method: UPS Ground


Order Inventory:

Product: 18 oz. jar

Options: Choose a fragrance - Almond Creme 

Quantity: 1

Product Code: 18OZJAR

Price: $19.99

Product: 18 oz. jar

Options: Choose a fragrance - Almond Creme 

Quantity: 1

Product Code: 18OZJAR

Price: $19.99

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GoodLiteCandles. Can you confirm please is your customer email working?

So after placing an order will your customer get an email automatically sent with full order details right away?

That’s what you seem to have but I and others do not!

Can you also confirm what versions you have run and what upgrades or are you running a fresh install and what version is that?

Thanx for any info!

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Guest GoodLiteCandles

As of now it is working. I want to test it more though with different combinations of products and quantities.

The emial came to the customer and admin immediately.

I upgraded to 3.0.5

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Glad it’s working for you GoodLiteCandles!

Mine is not and I don’t know how to fix it!

Mine is a fresh install. It’s not a Server problem I think as I also have a Ver2 CC testing for some time and all is ok with email!

Maybe other CC users can confirm if they have done an upgrade or new install and Customer emails are arriving or not?

Maybe there should be a vote on this to ascertain just how many people and Carts are affected?

I’ve had a look on the forum but I want to know is there a list of the functions of each PHP file?

I don’t know how to fix PHP but looks like I have no choice as help seems to have all but gone with this problem.

Is there a program available that can search and compare PHP files and highlight if there is a difference?

I would like to be able to know if all my PHP files were uploaded to my Server and that their contents are an exact match to the download from CC?

Thanx for any info or help!

Now totally pissed off with this! :sourcerer:

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Thanx hennaboy

Did you get your Customer email working yet?

Thank you also for the heads-up on WinMerge!

Not sure if it can check all the files at once but is a great tool for checking differences quickly!

Already it spotted a simple differences between 3.0.4 and 3.0.5 patch in CC download! So I’m hoping I can find out if there are any differences between my upload and the CC download that might be causing the customer email problems!

Do you know of any tool to run a CRC on multiple files? I’ve been looking but no luck as yet!

This would be good and a fast way to see any differences also plus CC could post the CRC’s for each file and that would put CC users minds at rest that all the files were 100% OK after downloading!


PS. Customer email not working yet! :sourcerer:

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As i said before on this post

Sir william

Ive uploaded both files  (lang.inc.php  &  gateway.inc.php)  im running V3.0.4  Admin does Get email when  order is placed, but Customer doesnt get any mail

Customer  does get an e mail  when  Order is changed status by Admin 

Im making tests order  with  print  order form option (does  this have anything to do with the failure???)  :sourcerer:

Hoppe  you can help us...  :sourcerer:

Also in the admin Email The prices are shown without the shipping cost added to de final price

i made an order of a product that costs $200 and shipping is $22 So the total is $222.00 and in the admin mail says total is $200

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Guest hennaboy

Nah mine is not working.

Not saying this is a fault for everyone...but i dont think that this has worked since 3.0.2 when i first installed.

I have relied on the external processors to provide the confirmations. Which aint all bad.... print order forms i get the cheques in the post!

Im sure we will get there eventually.... be patient.... something is amiss somewhere but if it was a simple fix we would have it already.

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Guest GoodLiteCandles

Okay I want to make sure things are doing what they are supposed to...

I have 2 payments set up so far.... credit card (Authorize.net) and check (postal order form)

Now when I paid with credit card, the admin AND the customer will get the email confirmation.

And when I pay with check, the postal order form page shows and you print it out. The admin will get the confirmation email but the cutomer does not. Is this because they have their order form printed and do not need the email also.

I have no problem with this at all. But I just want to make sure that that's how it's supposed to work and that there are no bugs in it.



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I’m trying to go through the files one by one but I don’t understand PHP!

But I might get lucky!

Big thanx to hennaboy. WinMerge can check all the files in one go B)

Can you guys please think back to when your Customer emails were last working on what version of CC?

Might be a long-shot but it could be a big help in tracking down when the change was made that stopped Customer email order confirmation working!! :)


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Guest groovejuice

I too am not receiving emails on orders, nor is the customer. I don't have payment options -everything is going through paypal (IPN). I have upgraded to Sir William's email fix. On return to CC I also get the 'transaction failed' message, even though the transaction has gone successfully through paypal. This will also solve the issue in my other post about product numbers. You gurus out there, please help. CC is so close to functioning optimally that I can taste it! But I can't launch until these issues are resolved.

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Okay I want to make sure things are doing what they are supposed to...

I have 2 payments set up so far.... credit card (Authorize.net) and check (postal order form)

Now when I paid with credit card, the admin AND the customer will get the email confirmation.

And when I pay with check, the postal order form page shows and you print it out. The admin will get the confirmation email but the cutomer does not. Is this because they have their order form printed and do not need the email also.

I have no problem with this at all. But I just want to make sure that that's how it's supposed to work and that there are no bugs in it.



I do understand that, but i supposed that both admin & customer will get email no matter what payment option was taken (Paypal IPN or Postal) am i right???

As per the email, i do have some bugs on Shipping + Price calculations....

i mean Email only displays Item Prices, but NOT Shipping prices.

EJ My itmem costs $200 S&H $20

so total will be $220

Email says Total including Shipping is $200

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Guest groovejuice

I'm not certain how it happened, but everything is working perfectly now. Tax is being added correctly, paypal IPN is functioning, shipping options are calculated and added on in cart, at paypal and in the confirmation emails -which I am receiving now. Finally, I am getting a success message when autoreturned to CC. I'm not positive, but refreshing pages and deleting cookies and temp files seems to have had a positive impact, but that could be coincidence. I would be glad to share my settings and option selections with those who are having issues.

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I'm not certain how it happened, but everything is working perfectly now. Tax is being added correctly, paypal IPN is functioning, shipping options are calculated and added on in cart, at paypal and in the confirmation emails -which I am receiving now. Finally, I am getting a success message when autoreturned to CC. I'm not positive, but refreshing pages and deleting cookies and temp files seems to have had a positive impact, but that could be coincidence. I would be glad to share my settings and option selections with those who are having issues.

I do have Deleted Coockies, but i still have this error on on both admin & custumer emails

NOTE that paypal IPN is working OK, imean Prices and Costs are shown OK within paypal.

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Guest groovejuice

Again I'm not certain, but I believe everything must be working in some mods or seemingly nothing does. Try to change your email settings in general settings. Make sure that your user name is correct - try youremail@your domain if you haven't, select no for user authentication, and make certain that localhost (default) is correct. Also make certain that you check for inadvertant use of UPPER case, as these settings are typically case sensitive.

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I'm not certain how it happened, but everything is working perfectly now. Tax is being added correctly, paypal IPN is functioning, shipping options are calculated and added on in cart, at paypal and in the confirmation emails -which I am receiving now. Finally, I am getting a success message when autoreturned to CC. I'm not positive, but refreshing pages and deleting cookies and temp files seems to have had a positive impact, but that could be coincidence. I would be glad to share my settings and option selections with those who are having issues.

Hi groovejuice

Would be helpful if you can list your configuration in full detail plz?

Plus what you might have done to get it working?

Admin email config plus what version of CC you are you running? What upgrades have you done? What patches or/and mods installed etc etc…?

Although this info will be very helpful I think looking at the posts almost everyone can send email to customers using the Admin Order status change option! So I conclude from this, if email can be sent from CC in this way then it points to a problem within CC and not your hosts email!

I’m using the Mail() option not the SMTP setting! But all other email is working…! But just the automatic Customer email is not!

One quick test you can do to see if email is working through your Host is:

“The bulk emailer†option! But order status change probably better if you have a live site!

This will verify that email is working or not through your Host!

Perhaps this problem will go away if I use SMTP option, but as I’m just testing I don’t have an email on my free Host right now! But I will be hopefully launching a site in the next 2 weeks so I will feedback how email config with SMTP goes!

But I do hope this is fixed by CC before then as this is an important part of how I want my sites to work!

Can anyone tell me when/in what version of CC did Customer email option stop working for you?


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Guest groovejuice


I'm using CC version 3.05 with the email fix and Paypal IPN fix generously offered by Sir William. The only payment selection I'm currently using is PayPal IPN. I have tax added, which appears to be working fine and weights for all products for shipping calcualtions. I am also using the stock option which is being updated as items are sold. My mail is set to SMPT and authentication is off. I have UPS shipping and several subcats enabled. If you'd like more info feel free to let me know.

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Also having quite problems setting up sending emails. it works when i try it via admin access and sent, but not automally. So that would be due to coding or server? :w00t:

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Guest fernyburn

The problem with customers not getting email confirmation has been a bug since cubecart 5.02. and has been reported over and over

This is what is preventing me from using it, as its totally unprofessional for a customer to place an order and hear nothing. (unless I change the order)

I also understand that this against the TOS of a lot of merchant credit card systems, that state that customers should get a confirmation of the order.

I keep coming back and hoping that SOMEONE will fix this problem for once and for all

To clarify

customers does not get confirmation mail

Admin Gets receipt of order

Customers get an email when order status is changed

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Guest GoodLiteCandles

Okay I need to do a reverse now.

I used your email fix and it works great. But now that I did a REAL transaction with authorize.net, the customer gets an email from that.

So they are getting 2 emails at the same time. One from the cart and one from authorize.net. I had my mom do this transaction and she was confused that she got 2 emails. And I can understand that.

So if I take away this email fix and have it so that the admin gets the email and the customer does not, what exactly do I have to do to the files? I dont want to mess anything up.


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