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Paymate confirmed error


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Hi Guys

Got a little glitch with paymate

When someone buys a product transferred to paymate and pays all go es through ok.

Order has gone thorugh and gets processed by paymate

order also goes into shop orders on pending.

But when purchaser presses continue at paymate site they come back to the confirmed.php page saying

sorry your order has failed try again. Even though it was successfull. and doesnt empty there cart

For a short term fix I have changed wording in failed confirmed.

Any ideas would be great

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Guest estelle

This same problem has been observed with PayPal.

I think your little change was a good idea. You could optionally add more, e.g. "If you have had problems completing payment, please contact a member of staff". Or, "If you have successfully completed payment your order will be shipped at the first possible opportunity".

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ArmenSoft


I had the same issue and after checking the paymate responses`

PA=Payment Accepted

PP=Payment in Process

PD=Payment Declined

Paymate module in CC3 only checks for PA, else it fails. So if a person makes a payment using Direct Debit, rather than Credit Card, the response will be FALSE.

Just changed this code to make it work



function success(){

global $basket;

if( ($_POST['ref'] == $basket['cart_order_id']) && ($_POST['responseCode']=="PA") || ($_POST['responseCode']=="PP") ) {

return TRUE;

} else {

return FALSE;






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Guest estelle

But if someone pays with debit card, don't you want to wait until the money hits your account before setting the status to Processing (which reduces stock levels and/or emails download links)

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Guest ArmenSoft


Yes, that's true.

It all depends what you are selling. If they are downloads, then this approuch may not work. If they are products, obviously you don't send the items until you receive the money, if it is declined, cancelling the order would re-stock (not sure of re-stock, need to check). :whistle:

If payment is "in process", then PASS is a better response than FAIL, because "in process" means initial checks are ok. Better to let the customer know that it will be ok, than confuse them with failed message.

I guess re-wording the failed message is better on top.

The idea is to make the customer feel as comfortable as possible, specially if they are shopping on your web site for the first time.

By no means this was a better solution, but an alternative. It works for me.




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  • 1 year later...
Guest eltazaar


I tried this fix but it is still not working. Here is teh code




| CubeCart v3.0.15

| ========================================

| by Alistair Brookbanks

| CubeCart is a Trade Mark of Devellion Limited

| Copyright Devellion Limited 2005 - 2006. All rights reserved.

| Devellion Limited,

| 22 Thomas Heskin Court,

| Station Road,

| Bishops Stortford,


| CM23 3EE


| http://www.devellion.com

| UK Private Limited Company No. 5323904

| ========================================

| Web: http://www.cubecart.com

| Date: Thursday, 4th January 2007

| Email: sales (at) cubecart (dot) com

| License Type: CubeCart is NOT Open Source Software and Limitations Apply

| Licence Info: http://www.cubecart.com/site/faq/license.php


| transfer.php

| ========================================

| Core functions for the PayMate Gateway














$orderInv['productId'] - product id as an integer

$orderInv['name'] - product name as a varchar

$orderInv['price'] - price of each product (inc options)

$orderInv['quantity'] - quantity of products as an integer

$orderInv['product_options'] - products attributes as test

$orderInv['productCode'] - product code as a varchar

$i - This is the current incremented integer starting at 0




$cart_order_id - cart order id as a varchar

$ccUserData[0]['email'] - Customers email address

$ccUserData[0]['title'] - Customers title (Mr Miss etc...)

$ccUserData[0]['firstName'] - Customers first name

$ccUserData[0]['lastName'] - Customers last name

$ccUserData[0]['add_1'] - Invoice Address line 1

$ccUserData[0]['add_2'] - Invoice Address line 1

$ccUserData[0]['town'] - Invoice Town or city

$ccUserData[0]['county'] - Invoice County or state

$ccUserData[0]['postcode'] - Invoice Post/Zip Code

$ccUserData[0]['country'] - Invoice country Id we can look up the country name like this


$ccUserData[0]['phone'] - Contact phone no

$ccUserData[0]['mobile'] - Mobile/Cell phone number

$basket['delInf']['title'] - Delivery title (Mr Miss etc...)

$basket['delInf']['firstName'] - Delivery customers first name

$basket['delInf']['lastName'] - Delivery customers last name

$basket['delInf']['add_1'] - Delivery Address line 1

$basket['delInf']['add_2'] - Delivery Address line 1

$basket['delInf']['town'] - Delivery Town or city

$basket['delInf']['county'] - Delivery County or state

$basket['delInf']['postcode'] - Delivery Post/Zip Code

$basket['delInf']['country'] - Delivery country Id we can look up the country name like this


$basket['subTotal'] - Order Subtotal (exTax and Shipping)

$basket['grandTotal'] - Basket total which has to be paid (inc Tax and Shipping).

$basket['tax'] - Total tax to pay

$basket['shipCost'] - Shipping price



$module = fetchDbConfig("paymate");

function repeatVars(){

return FALSE;


function fixedVars(){

global $module, $basket, $ccUserData, $cart_order_id, $config, $GLOBALS;

$hiddenVars = "<input type='hidden' name='mid' value='".$module['email']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='amt' value='".$basket['grandTotal']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='currency' value='".$config['defaultCurrency']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='ref' value='".$cart_order_id."' />

<input type='hidden' name='pmt_sender_email' value='".$ccUserData[0]['email']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='pmt_contact_firstname' value='".$ccUserData[0]['firstName']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='pmt_contact_surname' value='".$ccUserData[0]['lastName']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='pmt_contact_phone' value='".$ccUserData[0]['phone']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='regindi_address1' value='".$ccUserData[0]['add_1']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='regindi_address2' value='".$ccUserData[0]['add_2']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='regindi_sub' value='".$ccUserData[0]['town']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='regindi_pcode' value='".$ccUserData[0]['postcode']."' />

<input type='hidden' name='return' value='".$GLOBALS['storeURL']."/confirmed.php?act=conf' />

<input type='hidden' name='popup' value='0' />";

return $hiddenVars;


function success(){

global $basket;

if( ($_POST['ref'] == $basket['cart_order_id']) && ($_POST['responseCode']=="PA") || ($_POST['responseCode']=="PP") ) {

return TRUE;

} else {

return FALSE;




// Other Vars


$formAction = "https://www.paymate.co.nz/PayMate/GenExpressPayment";

$formMethod = "post";

$formTarget = "_self";

$transfer = "auto";

$stateUpdate = TRUE;


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