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no shipping in this country

Guest vipbargaincity.com

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Guest vipbargaincity.com

Im having a little bit of a problem here. cubecart is telling me that there is no shipping available for my country when i configured shipping by weight. im not quit sure how to approach this. Ive checked the calc.php file and im unable to find what to edit to fix this problem. here is the code.


// per category shipping module

$module = fetchDbConfig("By_Weight");


// get the delivery ISO

$countryISO = countryIso($basket['delInf']['country']);

// build array of ISO Codes

$zones['1'] = explode(",",str_replace(" ","",strtoupper($module['zone1Countries'])));

$zones['2'] = explode(",",str_replace(" ","",strtoupper($module['zone2Countries'])));

$zones['3'] = explode(",",str_replace(" ","",strtoupper($module['zone3Countries'])));

$zones['4'] = explode(",",str_replace(" ","",strtoupper($module['zone4Countries'])));

// find the country

foreach ($zones as $key => $value){

	foreach($zones[$key] as $no => $iso){


		if($iso == $countryISO){


			$shipZone = $key;






// work out cost

$shipBands = explode(",",str_replace(" ","",$module['zone'.$shipZone.'RatesClass1']));

$noBands = count($shipBands);


	for($n=0; $n<count($shipBands);$n++){


		$wheightCost = explode(":",str_replace(" ","",$shipBands[$n]));




			$sumClass1 = $wheightCost[1]+$module['zone'.$shipZone.'Handling'];



		} elseif($totalWeight>$wheightCost[0] && $n+1==$noBands){


			$overWeight = TRUE;







unset($shipBands, $noBands);

$shipBands = explode(",",str_replace(" ","",$module['zone'.$shipZone.'RatesClass2']));

$noBands = count($shipBands);


	for($n=0; $n<count($shipBands);$n++){


		$wheightCost = explode(":",str_replace(" ","",$shipBands[$n]));




			$sumClass2 = $wheightCost[1]+$module['zone'.$shipZone.'Handling'];



		} elseif($totalWeight>$wheightCost[0] && $n+1==$noBands){


			$overWeight = TRUE;







unset($shipBands, $noBands);

if($sum == 0){

	$sum = 0.00;


$taxVal = taxRate($module['tax']);




		$val = ($taxVal / 100) * $sumClass1;

		$sumClass1 = $sumClass1 + $val;


	$shippingPrice .= "<option value='".$shipKey."'";


	if($shipKey ==$basket['shipKey']){

		$shippingPrice .= " selected='selected'";

		$basket = $cart->setVar($lang['misc']['byWeight1stClass'],"shipMethod");

		$basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f",$sumClass1),"shipCost");



	$sum = $sumClass1;


	$shippingPrice .= ">".priceFormat($sumClass1)." ".$lang['misc']['1stClass']."</option>\r\n";

	$shippingAvailable = TRUE;







		$val = ($taxVal / 100) * $sumClass2;

		$sumClass2 = $sumClass2 + $val;


	$shippingPrice .= "<option value='".$shipKey."'";


	if($shipKey ==$basket['shipKey']){

		$shippingPrice .= " selected='selected'";

		$basket = $cart->setVar($lang['misc']['byWeight2ndClass'],"shipMethod");

		$basket = $cart->setVar(sprintf("%.2f",$sumClass2),"shipCost");



	$sum = $sumClass2;


	$shippingPrice .= ">".priceFormat($sumClass2)." ".$lang['misc']['2ndClass']."</option>\r\n";

	$shippingAvailable = TRUE;



unset($module, $taxVal, $shipBands, $noBands, $zones, $wheightCost, $countryISO);



can anyone help me out by letting me know what to edit? im trying to set the zone to US


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Guest Mary Ann

I am getting the same message... I have set the zones to USA ... In zone 1, I listed the ISO for the USA states that I want to have that shipping/handling charge. In zone 1, I listed the ISO for the midwestern states and so on.... I listed Canada, Hawaii, and Alaska as zone 4.

I made a test purchase (I am from PA) and it states there is no shipping available for my country. Any suggestions??? Please??

Edit: by changing the ISO in the shipping zone to US, I was able to allow the buy process to go to the payment method.... I was wondering if there were any way to set different prices by weight determined by each state in the US, most especially Hawaii and Alaska?

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I am getting the same message... I have set the zones to USA ... In zone 1, I listed the ISO for the USA states that I want to have that shipping/handling charge. In zone 1, I listed the ISO for the midwestern states and so on.... I listed Canada, Hawaii, and Alaska as zone 4.

I made a test purchase (I am from PA) and it states there is no shipping available for my country. Any suggestions??? Please??

Edit: by changing the ISO in the shipping zone to US, I was able to allow the buy process to go to the payment method.... I was wondering if there were any way to set different prices by weight determined by each state in the US, most especially Hawaii and Alaska?

I have the same problem here to. Am in Florida. Zone one is for FR,CA and UK zone 2 US am doing by weight and have the same error message cannot ship to my country. Hope someone can help got 5 shopping cart to install. :)

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Guest imended

I had this problem once. I think I had just one payment method or just one shipping method, I don't remember. But when I choose more than one, it works fine. Is it a bug?


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Guest neugi


got the same problem. i found out that if the wheight is higher than 1 kg it won't let me ship. if i change the weight to 1 kg it works.


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Guest neugi


i found ou the following.

if the data that looks like this:

1:4,25; 2:5; 3:7; 5:10; 8:13;10:15;15:20

change it to:

1:4.25, 2:5, 3:7,5:10,8:13,10:15,15:20

than it should work


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