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I just recently discovered an error with zip codes.

Here is the error message I received from a customer:

Request XML:

<RateV2Request USERID="5LADYS62" PASSWORD="o"><Package ID="0"><Service>PRIORITY</Service><ZipOrigination>77450</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>77450-1234</ZipDestination><Pounds>0</Pounds><Ounces>1</Ounces><Container>Flat Rate Envelope</Container><Size>Regular</Size></Package></RateV2Request>Return XML:<?xml version="1.0"?>

Response XML:

<RateV2Response><Package ID="0"><Error><Number>-2147219497</Number><Source>DomesticRatesV2;RateEngineV2.ProcessRequest</Source><Description>Please enter a valid ZIP Code for the recipient. </Description><HelpFile></HelpFile><HelpContext>1000440</HelpContext></Error></Package></RateV2Response>

Now, I created a test account with a zip code 90210-1234 and discovered the problem is the "-1234" portion. When it is removed, the error stops and processes the order like normal. before then, the order is not placed and that error message is displayed.

Is there a fix for this error as I do not want to lose impatient customers because they added their entire zip and post office codes?? Thanks!!

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