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Ive just added the Cubecart clixgalore banner to try and generate some more sales of Cubecart as a way of saying thankyou for such a fine product (yes I do plan on purchasing a license, just have to get together the $$$ first).

I have a few quick questions :

1. Where do I find my account number (to enter into Cubecart admin) ?

2. Is this code really required ?

<a href="http://www.clixGalore.com/default.asp" target="_new"><img src="http://www.cliximages.com/images/clixgalore/clixfooter.gif" border="0"></a>

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Did you become a ClixGalore Merchant? If so you got a clixGalore A/C No.

If you want to become a CubeCart Affiliate, join the Develion CubeCart affiliate program on ClixGalore.

You'll find the exact code to put the banner on your site for BOTH - affiliate (you join) and merchant (you open new program for YOUR CubeCart store).

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The link provided by Clixgalore should have your unique id within it, in order for it to work. It does not go in CubeCart admin, and you don't need an account number.

The Admin module is for when you offer the same service to your customers.

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