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No public_html folder at Godaddy

Guest Niiill

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Guest Niiill

I have installed several stores on godaddy but can't recall what the directory structure is. If you tell me what directories you see it might jog my memory.

Thanks Roban

The directories I see are php_upload and stats. Also some files, favico.ico, gdforum.php, php.ini

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Guest Brivtech

You're already there then! - That's the root of your site.

Simply install CubeCart* there, or into a folder like "store" for example if you want. (Note that if you use a folder, then that will appear in your website address: www.website.com/foldername/)

If you get into any troubles, let me know, but there shouldn't be.

Do make sure you have the following first:

- Linux hosting

- Have set up your SQL database

- Have FTP software that lets you alter file permissions (The Java FTP in your control panel doesn't go that far).

Should be plain sailing from there.

Additional Notes:

*Open the Zipped file you download from here, inside, the upload folder in the Zip file are the root Cubecart files.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest statonrich

I'm an old school ftp client public_html folder kind of guy and was really surprised when I set up multiple accounts at Go Daddy!

First, NO public_html folder is needed - anywhere

Hosting multiple accounts and using an FTP client is extremely easy though!

Here's what I have:

They use any of your multiple dns accounts as a default. It absolutely does NOT matter which one - they are all equal.

So my default is:


EVERY file I put in the 'root' or actually unnamed ./ folder will behave exactly the same as if you had put the folders and files in a public_html folder on most other hosts. Your other folders like images just go directly in the root too.

Here's the little bit tricky part, at least for me.

I have 10 other domains all hosted on the same plan (1 should be enough for example)


I am just using a dummy .index file for now so the content will not make much sense but you CAN paste the urls into any browser and the sites will display.

One site is NOT a subdirectory of the other. They are all EQUAL and UNIQUE, assuming you pay for their DNS. This is the important part.

So for SEO, IP traces, DNS traces, etc. EVERY SINGLE domain will be a completely separate and unique website.

For all of the other websites, such as my www.caymanislandattractions.com above, I just created a folder in the main ./ directory and called it whatever I wanted (it does NOT matter what you name it - this was the part I really couldn't get my head around until I started seeing the content display in the browsers).

Then for each of your ./whatever folders, you FTP your index.xxx, css or /css/css.css, /images, /etc. and it will find your sites separately based on their unique domain names. The exact technology they use to accomplish this I can not explain, only that it DOES work, which you can verify with the examples I provided, even running IP or DNS traces, and it IS EASY! Now I only have to use one ftp session to update all of my websites!

I just happened to choose GoDaddy and all the examples are based on that. I am sure that there are many other host and dns providers that offer multiple domain hosting, which should all behave in a similar manner.

I have not gotten to the control panel features yet for statistics or anything else so I do not know yet how separated the statistacs will be. I will post back after I've finished a few of the sites and had time to check the stats, etc.

I hope this helps make some peoples lives a lot less confusing and frustrating as mine has been for the past two days while I was trying to figure out how this worked!

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