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Category sorted by 'most sales' not alphabetized

Guest dbrock

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I need to have the products that have had the most sales ...to show up at the top of its own category list.

Right now i've noticed that it is sorted by alphabet ... but we want to have the products sorted with the most popular sales at the top of the list... (we dont want to have the products that NEVER sell at the top ...ever...even tho they might start with the letter A)

I'm assuming it is probabbly just a one line script, doesn't anyone know ?

I've had no sales yet, so, maybee it already does this, .... disregard if it is already in the script.

(i've posted this in mod requests on cubecart.org) thought i should maybee ask here, might be simpler than i think.



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Make a few test orders and look if it works right,

if it doesnt go to the file that includes it and find out what file makes it.

if you done that there maybe a row that sort them on name ASC

make it then on sell or id on DESC ;)

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ya, wasnt able to get that paypal sandbox thing to work, ...

we did set something to 1cent, ... but costs 30cents to go thru paypal i think

do you know which files quote "includes it" ? ( Which tpl file is the "latest products" window?)

When it comes to setting up whether a category is listed alphabetically or puy numbers of times the product has been purchased... i have no idea what to look for, i dont know what scripting would do this.

I've seen someone post about creating the Category colum to become alphabetical....

maybee it is not as easy to make each category have highest number of product sales to be at the top of the list.

do you think this would need to be a major mod ?

or might it be just a simple line to change ?


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I need to have the products that have had the most sales ...to show up at the top of its own category list.

Right now i've noticed that it is sorted by alphabet ... but we want to have the products sorted with the most popular sales at the top of the list... (we dont want to have the products that NEVER sell at the top ...ever...even tho they might start with the letter A)

I'm assuming it is probabbly just a one line script, doesn't anyone know ?

I've had no sales yet, so, maybee it already does this, .... disregard if it is already in the script.

(i've posted this in mod requests on cubecart.org) thought i should maybee ask here, might be simpler than i think.



Do you need to sort products in category by most sales or category list by most sales? The topic name is about categories and first sentence about products ;).

The second option seems to be more complicated. Never tried.

The first option is about appropriate SQL question modification, there must be more CubeCart tables included. I have posted SQL question for popular products box as best sellers replacement in CubeCart.org forum which si very very similar.

Edited by convict
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A: Need to sort products in category by most sales

Main reason is that we don't want any of our unpopular products to be at the top of the list.

We want the ones that sell most to be on the top of the list.


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we did set something to 1cent, ... but costs 30cents to go thru paypal i think

Erm... that's not what i ment :)

I ment making an order, go to your admin panel, approve it an check out what the website does(completely free, mwa... only 3 mins)

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