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Print Order Form Error 404

Guest ms_arbez

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Guest ms_arbez

I wasn't sure if possibly I was made my first entry in the wrong thread, but I'm almost to the point of desperation in getting this resolved.

I've scoured any and everywhere I can look to find a solution, and I've come up empty.

I cannot get the Print Order Form to work correctly. When I've run several test purchases, And choose it as my way to pay, I get a 404 Error page, as if it doesn't exist.

I upgraded not too long ago, and I thought maybe the file had been wiped out. Opened up WSFTP Pro, looked under the /modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form folder, and it's in there.

I've even tried changing the URL in the "transfer.inc" file, but no dice. Is there anything I'm missing here?

I am using CubeCart v.3.1.0

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There is a little modificaton since 3.0.12 in modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/transef.inc.php however 50% sucesfull only.

This line:

$formAction = $GLOBALS['rootRel']."/modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/orderForm.php";
causes doubled shlash in URL.

Have to be:
$formAction = $GLOBALS['rootRel']."modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/orderForm.php";


new line in orderForm.php just below include_once("../../../includes/sessionStart.inc.php");



use old versions line:

3.0.10 and older uses this:
$formAction = $glob['storeURL']."/modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/orderForm.php";

However the first fix is sugested because of clean solution (SSL in use)

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There is a little modificaton since 3.0.12 in transef.inc.php however 50% sucesfull only.

This line:

$formAction = $GLOBALS['rootRel']."/modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/orderForm.php";
causes doubled shlash in URL.

Have to be:
$formAction = $GLOBALS['rootRel']."modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/orderForm.php";


new line in orderForm.php just below include_once("../../../includes/sessionStart.inc.php");



use old versions line:

3.0.10 and older uses this:
$formAction = $glob['storeURL']."/modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/orderForm.php";

However the fix is sugested because of clean solution (SSL in use)

where the location of transef.inc.php? How to edit it?

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One more error in Print_Order_Form

This code:

<!-- BEGIN: repeat_card -->

	<img src="images/box.gif" alt="" /> {VAL_CARD_NAME}<br />

<!-- END: repeat_card --></td>

Should be replaced by this one to show the check boxes correctly

<!-- BEGIN: repeat_card -->

	<img src="/modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/images/box.gif" alt="" /> {VAL_CARD_NAME}<br />

<!-- END: repeat_card --></td>

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