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Comments appreciated

Guest sweden

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My webshop is up and running. and I am very proud.

I have installed a lot of free mods and modified some of the coding to suit my needs.

Please have a look!

The shop is in swedish, but I hope you can comment on functions and design anyway...


Thanks a lot!!




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Guest salsababy

Yeah, that center image is too big for the allotted space, it's kicking off the right side column. I'm using 1024x786 and there is no need for horizontal scroll.

Check your code validation, there is an error for a border declaration that is blank.

The "Welcome Guest" text overlaps the text on the underlying image, doesn't look good at all.

The "Add to Basket" isn't working for me... maybe because I block extra scripts and frames, so by blocking herba.biz might have something to do with it.

No SSL certificate to protect the consumer's information.

I couldn't really check anything else, due to the language barrier and I couldn't find the language converter. :)

All in all, a nice store you have. I like the Killer skin, that's the one I picked as a design base as well. :)

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Thank you so much for your comments!!

I have a big screen myself so I did not realize the issues you pointed out :)

I have now made the topheader and the main image smaller, hope it makes it better?

As for SSL, I am using a third party gateway (Payson) so I don't need to handle customer bank information data.

I have removed the language box because I only sell in Sweden.

I don't know how to check my code validation for the error that you found...where did you see that?

Once again THANKS!


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Guest salsababy

You're welcome Anna. Well, the layout looks better via my monitor.

The hardest part about designing, asides from cross-browser compatibility, is dealing with static images. The main problems are laptops and the like with smaller screens. Having a perfectly fluid design is practically impossible without skimping on design, so a line must be drawn in the perpetual sand.

To double check your code, you can check it with: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/

You can also check with: http://validator.w3.org/

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The "Add to Basket" isn't working for me... maybe because I block extra scripts and frames, so by blocking herba.biz might have something to do with it.

I have had 2 more complaints about this, and I don't know what is wrong??

Could it be that the webshop is located at www.herba.biz/shop but the url of the shop is wellnesshop.net?

I have tried to search the forum, and the only thing I can find is that it might be a cookie issue...

Please...help needed.... ;)

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