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What do all the tokens do?


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I was looking at the various tokens in the skin file (classic) and changing what I need, but wanted to know if there was a list out there anywhere that told what all tokens were available and what they did. I also wanted to use some of the database columns for other things, but was not sure what else it would impact. For example, I wanted to use the product code for hyperlink information. I don't really need a product code. Or, I would just add another column and token, if I knew where the engine parsed everything.

I really wanted the token information, if anyone knows. I know everything is free, so I am not trying to sound demanding or anything, just hoping someone might have this. If I need to experiment because there is no list, please tell me so that I know how to proceed. Thank you for any help.

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I'm not sure what a token is.

Tokens are the things replaced by the skinning engine when the page is created. Items in viewProd.tpl, for example, {TXT_SALE_PRICE}, are replaced with the information in the database. I am guessing there are many such monikers in the various templates and some may or may not be used. I also do not know if there is any impact of removing a token or how to create new ones. Thanks again.

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I have written a tutorial dealing with the box variables that appear in gloabl/index.tpl, will give a link through PM.

As to the others, these are assigned in the corresponding includes files, for instance, your example is viewProd.tpl . . .

Look at includes/content/viewProd.inc.php and you will see how "TXT_SALE_PRICE" is assigned to the $boxcontent of XTemplate skins/xx/styleTemplates/content/viewProd.tpl ;)

For each of the skin templates in boxes and content folders there are corresponding includes in boxes and contents folders of the includes files.

The global templates correspond to the index.php and cart.php that reside at the root.

Have a look at this and you will get the whole picture :D

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