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Google Base

Guest lcools

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I am using both cubecart 3.0.8. and 3.0.11. I have been able to upload to Google Base thus far.

I have just received an email from Google that the format I am using will not be accepted after February 2007.

I wasn't surprised that the 3.0.8 Froogle feed was a problem, but I was surprised about the 3.0.11 Google Base feed being incorrect already.

Does anyone know...is this a brand new issue, or am I missing a fix? Upgrading either cart is just not an option right now.

Thanks for any help,


That's why we're asking all Froogle merchants to send us bulk uploads in the Google Base format, with five additional attributes (along with the basic ones you've submitted in the past). Because we think it's important to provide a consistent user experience, we will no longer list items that don't meet a minimal number of attributes by the end of February 2007.

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Guest moofygirl

I just the email as well. The new required attributes are:

Required Attributes

Attributes for all products

You are required to include these attributes for all of the items in your bulk upload file.

* brand

* condition

* description

* expiration_date

* id

* image_link

* link

* price

* product_type

* title

The only attributes I am getting through cubecart are:

product_url name description image_url price

and some of the attribute names need to be changed ie image_url should be image_link

Not to thilled with the prospect of having to add static ids to everything.


A unique alphanumeric identifier for the product - e.g., your internal ID code. IMPORTANT: Once you submit an item with a unique id, this identifier must not change when you send in a new bulk upload. Each item must retain the same id in subsequent bulk uploads.

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I'd prefer a "fix" that does not modify the data base by adding extra fields. I have no problem with modifications to the "Froogle Feed" or Google Base file, but I think adding extra fields to my store database is overkill. Does anyone have a solution that doesn't modify the database?

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Same here.

I'd prefer a "fix" that does not modify the data base by adding extra fields. I have no problem with modifications to the "Froogle Feed" or Google Base file, but I think adding extra fields to my store database is overkill. Does anyone have a solution that doesn't modify the database?
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Guest moofygirl

I'd prefer a "fix" that does not modify the data base by adding extra fields. I have no problem with modifications to the "Froogle Feed" or Google Base file, but I think adding extra fields to my store database is overkill. Does anyone have a solution that doesn't modify the database?

Me three.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not happy with the fields google has made manditory. In some instances a brand may be unknown. Or, in my case, if I change my item's title the product id code often changes with it. Google wants static ids for each upload. :) I guess I will have to fiddle with a spreadsheet and give each item the same product id and see if that works.

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Guest sukumar sivaraman

I changed one of my stores and did a test upload to google on it. Just waiting to see if everything was okay on it before I post the changes here.

This is the beat £5 that i have ever spent in my life. The mods worked like a song. My listing went to No.1 on the Froogle Next day on search term "Digital photo frame Key chain" .


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Guest moofygirl

I changed one of my stores and did a test upload to google on it. Just waiting to see if everything was okay on it before I post the changes here.

Any updates? I tried fiddling with a spreadsheet and I couldn't get the id fields right.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest shadowbunny.com

hmmm... may be a good mod but then again the google base function in CubeCart comes standard with it. Seems kind of silly to pay money for something that should be fixed anyways, especially for us users who paid money for their CubeCart license.

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The problem with doing a mod for this is that google has different fields you can include for different types of items you sell. Since I still don't have an FTP program installed on my temporary computer, I cannot really fiddle with it, but the file you need to change is admin/orders/index.php - find the section on google and you will see a list of fields that are pulled out and a list of ones that are included in the feed. Modifying this will let you modify the feed.

The basic change is to the headers that are sent - be sure they match the new google feed names - like change image url to image_link, etc. As long as the field names match google's new standard, your feed should be accepted.

Once I can, I'll include more exact specifications but I'm having problems installing my ftp program on my desktop computer while my laptop is being fixed :)

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Guest vequalsir

The problem with doing a mod for this is that google has different fields you can include for different types of items you sell. Since I still don't have an FTP program installed on my temporary computer, I cannot really fiddle with it, but the file you need to change is admin/orders/index.php - find the section on google and you will see a list of fields that are pulled out and a list of ones that are included in the feed. Modifying this will let you modify the feed.

The basic change is to the headers that are sent - be sure they match the new google feed names - like change image url to image_link, etc. As long as the field names match google's new standard, your feed should be accepted.

Once I can, I'll include more exact specifications but I'm having problems installing my ftp program on my desktop computer while my laptop is being fixed :blink:

Hey Mysty and everyone else fighting the google base feed changes.

I fixed my feed today. I had to add fields to my inventory database to account for the brand, condition, and product_type. And populated those fields by hand in 'sql browser.

I then updated the base script header to support the added fields. I then added code to pull the newly added variables. For the expiration date, I have it adding one year to the current date.

Finally I added code to insert the new varibles into the feed text.

I know this is horribly vague. I'm going to gather my thoughts and lay it out more lucid tonight or tomorrow.

edits are made to the admin/products/index.php file

Here is my resulting code:

//Header information on google base

$googleBaseContent = "link\ttitle\tdescription\timage_link\tprice\tid\tbrand\tcondition\tproduct_type\texpiration_date\r\n";

for($i=0; $i<count($results); $i++){

$salePrice = salePrice($results[$i]['price'], $results[$i]['sale_price']);

if($salePrice > 0){

$price = $salePrice;

} else {

$price = $results[$i]['price'];


$name = str_replace(array("&nbsp;","\t","\r","\n","\0","\x0B","


$name = str_replace(" ","",$name);

$desc = str_replace(array("&nbsp;","\t","\r","\n","\0","\x0B","


$desc = str_replace(" ","",$desc);

// add new attributes below to the base download feed

$prodid = str_replace(array("&nbsp;","\t","\r","\n","\0","\x0B","


$prodid = str_replace(" ","",$prodid);

$brand = str_replace(array("&nbsp;","\t","\r","\n","\0","\x0B","


$brand = str_replace(" ","",$brand);

$condition = str_replace(array("&nbsp;","\t","\r","\n","\0","\x0B","


$condition = str_replace(" ","",$condition);

$product_type = str_replace(array("&nbsp;","\t","\r","\n","\0","\x0B","


$product_type = str_replace(" ","",$product_type);

$expdate = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")+1));

// SEO friendly mod

if($config['sef'] == 0) {

$googleBaseContent .= $glob['storeURL']."/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=".$results[$i]['productId']."\t".$name."\t".$desc;

} else {


$googleBaseContent .= $glob['storeURL']. "/" .generateProductUrl($results[$i]['productId'])."\t".$name."\t".$desc;


// SEO friendly mod


$googleBaseContent .= "\t".$glob['storeURL']."/images/uploads/".$results[$i]['image'];

} else {

$googleBaseContent .= "\t".$glob['storeURL']."/skins/".$config['skinDir']."/styleImages/nophoto.gif";


$googleBaseContent .= "\t".$price;

// add new variables to the content

$googleBaseContent .= "\t".$prodid."\t".$brand."\t".$condition."\t".$product_type."\t".$expdate."\r\n";



I'm self taught on PHP, but this is how I got it to work.


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  • 3 weeks later...

vequalsir it works. I have yet to upload it to google base. Is the "brand" suppose to come out blank?

i mean is there anyway of using my brands mod with the export?

i think the call from the database is cat_brand but im not sure where to place it in vequalsir's code.

i'd appreciate any assistance, thanks in advanced :D

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Guest vequalsir

vequalsir it works. I have yet to upload it to google base. Is the "brand" suppose to come out blank?

i mean is there anyway of using my brands mod with the export?

i think the call from the database is cat_brand but im not sure where to place it in vequalsir code.

i'd appriciate some assistance, thanks in advanced B)

I added 'brand' into my inventory database. (I didn't have it in there before)

If your call from the database is cat_brand, replace that value for brand in the following statement.

$brand = str_replace(array("&nbsp;","\t","\r","\n","\0","\x0B","


$brand = str_replace(" ","",$brand);

to look like this:

$brand = str_replace(array("&nbsp;","\t","\r","\n","\0","\x0B","


$brand = str_replace(" ","",$brand);

hope this helps.


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// query database

$results = $db->select("SELECT cat_name, cat_id FROM ".$config['dbprefix']."CubeCart_category WHERE cat_father_id = 0 AND cat_brand = '0' ORDER BY cat_name ASC");

not sure if this would help ?

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Guest vequalsir

Actually, i was wrong it does work, but it outputs "1" in the download not the actual brand.

I'm not familiar with that mod.

I suggest you take a look at your database. Browse your Database using phpmyadmin or whatever tool your host provides. I would assume your brand information is stored in the CubeCart_inventory table. Open it up and look at the field titles to identify the one holding your brand information. Place that field value in the brand code listed above.


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Guest vequalsir

Hmm i checked its under CubeCart_categories,

cat_brand enum('0', '1') latin1_swedish_ci No 1 - so its the right setting ..

You need to find the field that stores the brand information. I think we need to locate the field that carries your brand text. The field above looks like a flag of some sort.

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