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wordpress and cubecart


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Does anyone here have experience combining Wordpress and cubecart? It seems that wordpress sets some cookies (dbx-pagemeta, dbx-postmeta, etc) and CubeCart complains that the key contains illegal characters ( the - and I think even the _ are "illegal").

I basically want to have wordpress set up in / as the main site, and cubecart set as /cc and set up as JUST the store.

Best case scenario would be a WP plugin that allowed the cart to be separate, but function inside wordpress (so I didn't have to skin cubecart), but at least I need them working together.

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There really is no integration yet. They use the same database. Wordpress is installed in /, and uses tables prefixed with wp_. Cubecart is installed in /cc and uses tables prefixed with cc_. My thought was that since there is no real integration that already exists for them, I'd just install and use them separately for now. It would make upgrades easier, but UI modifications a little harder (two skins).

When I have time, I'd like to make a wordpress plugin for CC that allows all the pages to be see inside wordpress, so that it uses the wordpress theme.

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I very much doubt Wordpress has anything to do with it.

Sounds like the 'ol "Parsed array keys can not contain illegal characters! Script execution has been halted." error.

There is a post somewhere to help remove the code causing this.

Try MODx rather than Wordpress... a few of us here have not looked back since ;)

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I'll check into MODx. I know where the code that tests it is, and I could remove it, but it seems like that would leave you open to whatever attack they were using that code to avoid. As for wordpress, it's not causing it directly, but it creates cookies for that domain that contain the "illegal characters"

I wonder if it would help if I moved the store to a subdomain (maybe the cookies wouldn't be seen). I'll try that a little later. For now, I'm off to try MODx

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The problem is that I can't realistically run the whole site off cubecart. Since I have to run two things, I would like them to be integrated, so that I only have to manage one theme.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest RyanMillerDotcom

The problem is that I can't realistically run the whole site off cubecart. Since I have to run two things, I would like them to be integrated, so that I only have to manage one theme.

i am having this problem too

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Guest RyanMillerDotcom

Did anyone figure out the answer for this? I am still having trouble.

I haven't had any time to work on this at all. Sorry.

Alright well let me know if you do. I am surprised that nobody uses both cubecart and wordpress. Anybody else know?

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Guest RyanMillerDotcom

Did anyone figure out the answer for this? I am still having trouble.

I haven't had any time to work on this at all. Sorry.

Alright well let me know if you do. I am surprised that nobody uses both cubecart and wordpress. Anybody else know?

Would it help if i put wordpress in the same database as cubecart? If so please explain how to do this with prefixes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest lordbarron

hi folks,

im not a database expert but would like some pointers regarding using word press and cubecart together.

I thought it would be as simple as dropping the cc php into the wp and then calling the bits you want. By-passing cc's x-templates entirely and apply the css from wp. how are you approaching the problem? is there any plugins, or tutorials on doing this? i saw somebody was trying to run dupral and cc together and seemed to do alright. anyways best of luck to you all,, thanks for the support


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Guest kaskudoo

well, i have the CC in /shop/ and WP in /wordpress/

everytime i was in the admin section of CC and go to the admin section of wordpress it gives me that error.

i have to delete all cookies and then can continue.

very annoying - this happened after installation of wordpress. they do not share the same database.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest kaskudoo

Still having the same problem. I hope that not everyone who uses a wordpress blog and tries to get on my site is getting the error message.

Any possibility to have cubecart accept the 'illegal characters' ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kaskudoo


THe problem seems to occur because line 76 in /includes/ini.inc.php

if (eregi('[^a-z0-9\-_\:\@\|]', urldecode($key)))

still returns true for upper case alpha (ABCDEF etc) on some servers.

I fixed the problem by replacing the above line with

if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_\:\@\|]/', urldecode($key)))

which works around whatever bug causes the false positives. As there's virtually no difference (except marginally more server processing) can't see why it can't be changed in a release.

this worked for me - good luck :D

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  • 3 months later...

we just created a Wordpress Import mod that actually works off of integrating a wordpress database connection and allowing you to display up to 3 of your wordpress categorys on the front page of your site.... it display a secteable number of posts up to their read more point from your selected categories id's all is configurable from a panel in the 3rdparty area .. Super Easy Install .. only upload 3 files and modify 2 files install take sales than 5 minutes (assuming you have already deployed wordpress on your site) .. I should have this mod packaged and ready to go on CC3.biz this week!


you can see it in action at http://www.nofungusamongus.com see the posts on the front page that is happening via our new Wordpress Import Mod for CC4

this basically gives you 3 template tags {BLOG1}, {BLOG2} and {BLOG3} that you can integratie into global/index.tpl global/home.tpl or content/index.tpl

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  • 1 year later...

we just created a Wordpress Import mod that actually works off of integrating a wordpress database connection and allowing you to display up to 3 of your wordpress categorys on the front page of your site.... it display a secteable number of posts up to their read more point from your selected categories id's all is configurable from a panel in the 3rdparty area .. Super Easy Install .. only upload 3 files and modify 2 files install take sales than 5 minutes (assuming you have already deployed wordpress on your site) .. I should have this mod packaged and ready to go on CC3.biz this week!


you can see it in action at http://www.nofungusamongus.com see the posts on the front page that is happening via our new Wordpress Import Mod for CC4

this basically gives you 3 template tags {BLOG1}, {BLOG2} and {BLOG3} that you can integratie into global/index.tpl global/home.tpl or content/index.tpl

Hi energy0m,

I am really keen to integrate Wordpress into my CC4 store. I found your forum entry but can't find your mod... can you point me in the right direction please.


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  • 1 month later...

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