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Why does CC add \" to the start and end my image path?

Guest Soul Reaver

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Guest Soul Reaver

Ok, here's a funny one...

A lot of people seem to have problems uploading photos, but I don't seem to have that problem... All my photos are there, in the /image/uploads/ directory, just as I asked.

Basically, I'm wanting to add some pictures to the description area of a product. I've tried using the little 'Insert/Edit Image' which allows me to type the path in, and you even see the picture in the 'preview' box, press 'OK' and the image appears where it should on the page....

So 'what's the problem' I hear you ask?

Well, as soon as you click 'Edit Product' and go back into the same product, the image is missing. When you look at the path a couple of characters have been added at the beginning and at the end... For example...

If I used the path :


It gets re-written as :


Go back out and in again and it becomes :


So, just to clarify, Cubecart adds \" to the beginning and the end of my image path every time I try to add an image...

Anyone have any ideas why?

And how to change it?

Many thanks in advance to anyone who can shed light!

Jon (Soul Reaver)

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Guest Soul Reaver

Just to add to the above, it also happens when I've added a 'mailto' reference.

So basically, every time I add a path of any sort, relative or absolute, the admin console adds the \" to the beginning and end completely stuffing it up!

Thanks in advance for any help

Jon (Soul Reaver)

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Guest Soul Reaver

Which version of CC are you using? I believe this was fixed in 3.0.17.

Hi Stevie68

Err.... It's version 3.0.14...

If it was fixed in 3.0.17 then I'll try to upgrade and let you know how I get on....

By the way, one of your recent projects was in Alton, Hampshire... Are you a local designer?

Take Care


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