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Looking to modify email sent to admin after payment is made

Guest GospelLabs

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Guest GospelLabs

Hi all,

I am looking to modify the payment received email sent to the ADMIN to include more than just the order number, but also include the products purchased.

Can anyone give me a clue to what needs to be done and where. I believe the file needed to be edited is classes::cart::order.php

I am just not sure where in the file.

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Guest GospelLabs

Can someone tell me if this would work?

Classes::Cart:Order.php in the OrderStatus function. I just basically

copied the "case 3: ## Order Complete (Payment Taken/Cleared)"

code to case 2: like so

if ($currentStatus[0]['status'] !== $statusId) {

switch($statusId) {

case 2; ## Processing Nothing to do

## Email the customer to say payment has been accepted and cleared

$lang = getLang("email.inc.php",$this->orderSum['lang']);


$macroArray = array(

"ORDER_ID" => $this->orderSum['cart_order_id'],

"RECIP_NAME" => $this->orderSum['name'],

"STORE_URL" => $glob['storeURL']


$text = macroSub($lang['email']['payment_complete_body'], $macroArray);


if (!empty($_POST['extra_notes'])) {

$text .= "\n\n---\n".$_POST['extra_notes'];


## Send email

require_once CC_ROOT_DIR.CC_DS."classes".CC_DS."htmlMimeMail".CC_DS."htmlMimeMail.php";

## email to customer

$mail = new htmlMimeMail();



$mail->setFrom($config['masterName'].' <'.$config['masterEmail'].'>');

$mail->setSubject(macroSub($lang['email']['payment_complete_subject'], array("ORDER_ID" => $this->orderSum['cart_order_id'])));

$mail->setHeader('X-Mailer', 'CubeCart Mailer');

$mail->send(array($this->orderSum['email']), $config['mailMethod']);


$breakStatus = false;

## Look up order



if (is_array($this->orderInv)) {

foreach ($this->orderInv as $i => $orderItem) {

## If the order contains tangible items, we set it to ORDER_PROCESSING, and break the loop

if (!$this->orderInv[$i]['digital'] && !$force) {

$this->orderStatus(2, $cart_order_id);

$statusId = 2; ## Safeguard

$breakStatus = true; ## Stops email sending below no way to stop this case ?!



## Send Gift Certificate

if (!empty($this->orderInv[$i]['custom'])) {

$customArray = unserialize(html_entity_decode($this->orderInv[$i]['custom']));

if ($customArray['cert'] == true) {

$this->sendCoupon($customArray, $this->orderInv[$i]['id']);




if($breakStatus == false) {

## If order is completely digital send digital file and keep status as complete


## Send order complete email OOOOOH it's a bit diiiirty

$lang = getLang("email.inc.php",$this->orderSum['lang']);

$langAdmin = getLang("email.inc.php");

if ($this->orderSum['discount']>0) {

$grandTotal = priceFormat($this->orderSum['prod_total'], true)." (-".priceFormat($this->orderSum['discount'], true).")";

} else {

$grandTotal = priceFormat($this->orderSum['prod_total'], true);


$macroArray = array(

"RECIP_NAME" => $this->orderSum['name'],

"ORDER_ID" => $this->orderSum['cart_order_id'],

"ORDER_DATE" => formatTime($this->orderSum['time']),

"INVOICE_NAME" => $this->orderSum['name'],

"SUBTOTAL" => priceFormat($this->orderSum['subtotal'], true),

"SHIPPING_COST" => priceFormat($this->orderSum['total_ship'], true),

"TAX_COST" => priceFormat($this->orderSum['total_tax'], true),

"GRAND_TOTAL" => $grandTotal,

"INVOICE_COMPANY" => $this->orderSum['companyName'],

"INVOICE_ADD_1" => $this->orderSum['add_1'],

"INVOICE_ADD_2" => $this->orderSum['add_2'],

"INVOICE_CITY" => $this->orderSum['town'],

"INVOICE_REGION" => $this->orderSum['county'],

"INVOICE_POSTCODE" => $this->orderSum['postcode'],

"INVOICE_COUNTRY" => getCountryFormat($this->orderSum['country'], 'id', 'printable_name'),

"DELIVERY_NAME" => $this->orderSum['name_d'],

"DELIVERY_COMPANY" => $this->orderSum['companyName_d'],

"DELIVERY_ADD_1" => $this->orderSum['add_1_d'],

"DELIVERY_ADD_2" => $this->orderSum['add_2_d'],

"DELIVERY_CITY" => $this->orderSum['town_d'],

"DELIVERY_REGION" => $this->orderSum['county_d'],

"DELIVERY_POSTCODE" => $this->orderSum['postcode_d'],

"DELIVERY_COUNTRY" => $this->orderSum['country_d'],

"PAYMENT_METHOD" => $this->orderSum['gateway'],

"DELIVERY_METHOD" => $this->orderSum['shipMethod']


$textAdmin = macroSub($langAdmin['email']['admin_order_breakdown_1'],$macroArray);


if(!empty($this->orderSum['customer_comments'])) {

$macroArray = array(

"CUSTOMER_COMMENTS" => $this->orderSum['customer_comments']


$textAdmin .= macroSub($langAdmin['email']['order_breakdown_2'],$macroArray);



$textAdmin .= $langAdmin['email']['order_breakdown_3'];

for ($i=0; $i<count($this->orderInv); $i++) {

$macroArray = array(

"PRODUCT_NAME" => html_entity_decode($this->orderInv[$i]['name'])


$textAdmin .= macroSub($langAdmin['email']['order_breakdown_4'],$macroArray);


$macroArray = array(

"PRODUCT_OPTIONS" => $this->orderInv[$i]['product_options']


$textAdmin .= macroSub($langAdmin['email']['order_breakdown_5'],$macroArray);


$macroArray = array(

"PRODUCT_QUANTITY" => $this->orderInv[$i]['quantity'],

"PRODUCT_CODE" => $this->orderInv[$i]['productCode'],

"PRODUCT_PRICE" => priceFormat($this->orderInv[$i]['price'],true)


$textAdmin .= macroSub($langAdmin['email']['order_breakdown_6'], $macroArray);



if (!empty($_POST['extra_notes'])) {

$textAdmin .= "\n\n---\n".$_POST['extra_notes'];


## Send email

require_once CC_ROOT_DIR.CC_DS."classes".CC_DS."htmlMimeMail".CC_DS."htmlMimeMail.php";

$mailAdmin = new htmlMimeMail();



$mailAdmin->setFrom($config['masterName'].' <'.$config['masterEmail'].'>');

$mailAdmin->setSubject(macroSub($langAdmin['email']['admin_payment_complete_subject'], array("ORDER_ID" => $this->orderSum['cart_order_id'])));

$mailAdmin->setHeader('X-Mailer', 'CubeCart Mailer');

$mailAdmin->send(array($config['masterEmail']), $config['mailMethod']);




case 3: ## Order Complete (Payment Taken/Cleared)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest GospelLabs

It seems when I do this, that the customer gets 1000s of emails saying a payment has been made.

Can someone help me with this?

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