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CC4 SEO option not working with Flash

Guest sengratt

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Guest sengratt

Any help would be much appreciated here.

I am running CC4, and I enabled SEO. I installed the .htaccess, which shows up in my store root folder. The paths appear fine, so mod_rewrite is doing its thing. No problems there!

The big problem is in the content of a site doc page. I have a Flash object added to a site doc page. When SEO is disabled, the page renders great, and the Flash app works! When SEO is turned back on, I get an outline of the Flash object, and nothing else. When I right-click the movie, it just says, "Movie not loaded..." above "About Adobe Flash PLayer 10" in the context menu.

Now here's the bizarre part! I can take the source code, save it to my store root, and the Flash runs fine!!! So basically what I'm saying is that the exact identical HTML page is run in the same folder. The version created by CC4 does not show me any Flash, but the same page run outside of the store works just fine! Does anyone have any idea what this could be?

All the links in the source code are absolute paths (http://wwww.domain.com/store/...), so I "know" the files are being called. Can someone take a look at the page source and offer any suggestions?

I think the exact issue is that "multi.swf" is not loading. (Does CC4 not like to run EMBED tags with SEO enabled?) So by default, whenever you run the multi.swf app by itself, you'll get a default error, which you can see here yourself: http://www.of-the-light.com/store/multi.swf

But when I run the page in CC4 with SEO on, I can never get my CC site doc to load the multi.swf. However, when I turn off SEO in CC4, I can reload the product page, and I instantly see the yellow error screen from multi.swf, which is proof that it just ran from the CC4 site doc. Isn't that crazy?!

Thanks for any help you can provide!!


(as you will see, I am showing you the site doc contents from the familiar "Product Description" part onwards. The rest of the page is just the standard CC4 layout stuff)

		<strong>Product Information</strong>


		<br />


<script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script>

<script src="http://www.of-the-light.com/store/AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>

<p>Here is some text for this Flash test.</p>

<div style="text-align: center;">

<div id="envelope">

<h1>Product Images</h1>

<div id="flashwrapper">

<div id="flash-content">

<script language="javascript">

				if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {

					alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");

				} else {


						"codebase", "http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0",

						"width", "700",

						"height", "550",

						"src", "multi",

						"quality", "high",

						"pluginspage", "http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer",

						"align", "middle",

						"play", "true",

						"loop", "true",

						"scale", "noScale",

						"wmode", "window",

						"flashVars", "uiAssets=uiassets_whiteNoise/&path=images/uploads/cdr_marfil_10/&configFile=whiteNosie.xml",

						"devicefont", "false",

						"id", "multi",

						"bgcolor", "#EEEEEE",

						"name", "multiZoomer",

						"menu", "true",

						"allowFullScreen", "true",


						"movie", "multi",

						"salign", "lt"

						); //end AC code




					<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"

							id="multiZoomer" width="700" height="550"


							<param name="movie" value="http://www.of-the-light.com/store/multi.swf" />

							<param name="quality" value="high" />

							<param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" />

							<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />

							<param name="flashVars" value="uiAssets=uiassets_whiteNoise/&path=images/uploads/cdr_marfil_10&configFile=whiteNosie.xml" />

							<param name="scaleMode" value="noScale" />

														<!-- I think the next embed tag has something to do with it //-->

							<embed src="http://www.of-the-light.com/store/multi.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"

								width="700" height="550" name="multiZoomer" align="middle"


								flashVars = "uiAssets=uiassets_whiteNoise/&path=images/uploads/cdr_marfil_10/&configFile=whiteNosie.xml"















		<a href="http://www.of-the-light.com/store/marfil/prod_4.html?review=write#write_review" target="_self" class="txtDefault">Be the first to review this product!</a>

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd be a bit suspicious of the paths in the "flashvars".

flashVars = "uiAssets=uiassets_whiteNoise/&path=images/uploads/cdr_marfil_10/&configFile=whiteNosie.xm


flashVars = "uiAssets=uiassets_whiteNoise/&path=/images/uploads/cdr_marfil_10/&configFile=whiteNosie.xm


The SEO code will place the page location in a virtual path (/category_name/product_name/prod_nnn.html), and so any code should ideally be starting from the root of the site or using full URL.

I can see you're doing this for the flash file (.swf), but if the flashvars are required for the flash code to run, you'll need to change the path.

Hope this helps,


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