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We're a non-profit animal rescue organization located in Alabama in the States. We rescue dogs and cats.

To raise money for our cause we make soy wax candles in our kitchen and sell them at craft fairs and occasionally on the internet website. Our problem is that our website doesn't pull up on GOOGLE or other webcrawlers unless http://www.savealifecandles.com is typed into the search engine.

We have tried to verify our website with GOOGLE but they require adding a string variable after <home> <body> on the homepage. This is not visible on cubecart (from what I can tell, but I'm probably overlooking it somewhere). there are 2 other options available - using our dns address or uploading an html doc to our website. We are going to attempt the html process today, and hopefully that will work, uploaded through frontpage, which the software we used to create www.happypawshaven.org

CAN ANYONE HELP HERE? We are losing tons of business not selling our soy wax candles because our website is not verified on GOOGLE (and I presume other crawlers as well).

Where can I insert the verify string variable on cubecart?

Also, I've listed a ton of metatags in the homepage in our cubecart/admin page. These are not pulling our website when searches are conducted using the metatags.

I'm a rookie here. What am I doing incorrectly?

We'd pay someone to help us but every penny we pay out means we can't help a dog or cat eat or heal.


David Harvey

[email protected]


www.savealifecandles.com (the website we need to verify to search engines)


please email if you can help via instant PM or webcam. I'll give you the yahoo address.

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The easiest way to verify a site under google is to use the HTML file method.

When you try to verify your site, you'll be given an option of a META tag, or a HTML file.

The META tag is a bit messy (IMO), as you have to edit the store main template file, to add some code just for google.

The HTML file, is much neater, just upload the file (they supply this as a download) to the root of your store - and click "verify".

This is ONLY for Google, so Yahoo/MSN won't take any notice.

Looking at your site, it appears you've enabled the SEO mod (built into CC4, or 3rd party mod on CC3), but not correctly installed the .htaccess file so when I click on your category, your webserver is giving a "404"/url not found.

Details of installing the .htaccess file can be found by searching the forum.

Best advice for being listed;

-Signature link (I see you're linking to the site in your signature here)

-Ask local supporters to link to you from their websites/blogs/facebook

-Ask if you can add a signature link in any other forums you frequent - read the rules/ask before you do it.

-Submit a sitemap to ensure Google/MSN etc are aware of every page on your site

-Google Base Product Submission

I hope this helps,


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Thanks Jason. Silvia uploaded the html verification file and google verified our website. I'll follow your instructions with the htaaccess.

The easiest way to verify a site under google is to use the HTML file method.

When you try to verify your site, you'll be given an option of a META tag, or a HTML file.

The META tag is a bit messy (IMO), as you have to edit the store main template file, to add some code just for google.

The HTML file, is much neater, just upload the file (they supply this as a download) to the root of your store - and click "verify".

This is ONLY for Google, so Yahoo/MSN won't take any notice.

Looking at your site, it appears you've enabled the SEO mod (built into CC4, or 3rd party mod on CC3), but not correctly installed the .htaccess file so when I click on your category, your webserver is giving a "404"/url not found.

Details of installing the .htaccess file can be found by searching the forum.

Best advice for being listed;

-Signature link (I see you're linking to the site in your signature here)

-Ask local supporters to link to you from their websites/blogs/facebook

-Ask if you can add a signature link in any other forums you frequent - read the rules/ask before you do it.

-Submit a sitemap to ensure Google/MSN etc are aware of every page on your site

-Google Base Product Submission

I hope this helps,


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