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Offline Page location/broken editor


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I was playing around in CC5 setting up a new store and I set the store to offline and proceeded to edit the Offline page contents...just putting in a simple image and leaving the other text about the store being offline. When I save it it seems to include a bunch of extra characters and I can never get the page to diaplay correctly. I dont know if I am doing something wrong or if its just broken. It seems to be inserting \" into the code and breaking the clean code that is there before I save it.

Code Before I Save:


	<img alt="" src="/images/cache/SkinHealixFront.270.jpg" style="width: 239px; height: 270px; " /></p>


	Store is currently offline.<br />

	Please visit again soon.</p>

Code After I Save and source in the browser:


	<img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/cache/SkinHealixFront.270.jpg\" style=\"width: 239px; height: 270px; \" /></p>


        Store is currently offline.<br />

	Please visit again soon.</p>

Anyone know how to get past this or even better, where this is stored in the database or file structure or cache so I can go in and manually fix it myself? Or manually edit it in the future?

Also, not to push my luck here but the image I uploaded was resized and cached as 270px wide and this is the only version I am allowed to select for display when choosing an image in the editor. Once again, I'd just manually repoint this to the original graphic I want saved somewhere (and I've tried) but when I save my code the editor adds a bunch of characters and breaks it everytime. Any help or insight would be appreciated.

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