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OUT of STOCK Inventory


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How do i make my OUT OF STOCk Inventory NOT show up when viewing my site..

I have ALOT of OUT OF STOCK Merchandise and scrolling through my pages I see LOTS of OUT OF STOCK RED LETTERing...I would just prefer to not even show the OOS merchandise..

IS there a way to do this??


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Not without changing the code (ie a Mod).

You can disable purchases of out-of-stock products via Admin>General Settings>Stock Settings>Allow out of stock purchases? to "NO"

If this is not good enough, then visit www.cubecartforums.org and see if there is an existing mod, or ask a developer to create it for you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Or you could just disable the product when out of stock, so that it doesn't list in the store, and then re-enable it when you get more stock in...?

A bit labourious, but you'd have to go and edit the product's record to record how much stock had come in anyway...




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