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Print order form logo too big


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I ended up creating my own orders.print.php.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<!--Plush Catalog-- from v5.0.5-->

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">



  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../admin/styles/print.css" media="screen,print" />


<body onload="window.print();">

  {if isset($ORDER_LIST)}

  {foreach from=$ORDER_LIST item=order}



   <center><img src="../images/logos/{$SKIN}.php" alt="" /></center>



  <div id="printLabel">


<b>Delivery Address:</b>


	 {$order.title_d} {$order.first_name_d} {$order.last_name_d}<br />

	 {if !empty($order.company_name_d)}{$order.company_name_d}<br />{/if}

	 {$order.line1_d} <br />

	 {if !empty($order.line2_d)}{$order.line2_d}<br />{/if}

	 {$order.town_d}<br />

	 {$order.state_d}, {$order.postcode_d}<br />



  <!-- <div class="sender">{$LANG.address.return_address}<br />{$STORE.address}</div>-->




   <div class="info">

  <!--<span class="orderid">-->

<strong>{$LANG.common.order_id}</strong> &nbsp; {$order.cart_order_id}&nbsp; {$order.ship_method}

  <br/><br/><strong>{$LANG.orders.title_receipt_for}</strong> {$order.order_date}



   <div class="product">

  <span class="price">{$LANG.common.price}</span>



   {foreach from=$order.items item=item}

   <div class="product">

  <span class="price">{$item.price}</span>{$item.quantity} &times; {$item.name} {if !empty($item.product_code)}({$item.product_code}){/if}

  {if isset($item.options)}

  <br />{$LANG.catalogue.title_options} {foreach from=$item.options item=option}&raquo; {$option}{/foreach}




   <div id="totals">

  <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.total_sub} <strong>{$order.subtotal}</strong></div>

  <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.total_discount} {if !empty($order.percent)}({$order.percent}){/if} <strong>{$order.discount}</strong></div>

  <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.shipping} <strong>{$order.shipping}</strong></div>

  {if isset($order.taxes)} {foreach from=$order.taxes item=tax}

  <div class="total">{$tax.name} <strong>{$tax.value}</strong></div>


  <br />

  <div class="total"><strong>{$LANG.basket.total_grand} {$order.total}</strong></div>


   {if isset($order.customer_comments)}

   <div id=" "><strong>{$LANG.orders.title_notes_extra}</strong> - {$order.customer_comments}</div>




<p><center>Thank you for buying from us!</center></p>

<p>  If there are any problems with your shipment, please let us know within three (3) days of receipt, and we will work with you to resolve the situation. We want you to be happy with your purchase. We hope we can do business again in the future, so please ask if you don't see what you are looking for.  We are working on adding our items to our Online Catalog, since we have a much larger inventory of plush animals and dolls than we have listed.</p>

<p>Please bookmark our site at <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/ ">http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog</a> and tell your friends and family about us. We also run a free Plush Memories Lost Toy Search Service at <a href="http://plushmemories.com/">http://plushmemories.com</a>. If you, or anyone you know, are looking for a lovie we will be glad to help you find it.</p>

<p align="center"><i>"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."</i></p>

<p align="center">John 14:6 KJV</p>


   <div id="footer">





  {if not empty($customer.comments)}

  <!--<div class="page-break">

   <div id="header">

  <div id="printLabel">


    <div class="sender">{$LANG.address.return_address}<br />{$STORE.address}, {$STORE.county}, {$STORE.postcode} {$STORE.country}</div>


  <div id="storeLabel">

    <img src="../images/logos/{$SKIN}.php" alt="" />



  <div class="info">

   {foreach from=$customer.comments item=note}










Maybe that will give you some ideas.

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Guest Dazmanjunket

Sparky, I had the same problem but made a minor adjustment to ../admin/skins/default/templates/orders.print.php around line 26.

Original -


<div id="storeLabel">

<img src="../images/logos/{$SKIN}.php" alt="" />



Changes -


<div id="storeLabel">

<img src="../images/logos/{$SKIN}.php" height="71" width="250" alt="" />



Where the height="xx" and the Width="xx" I used a graphics package to reduce my original logo down to keep it perspective.

Hope that helps.

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  • 3 months later...

I ended up creating my own orders.print.php.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<!--Plush Catalog-- from v5.0.5-->

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">



  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../admin/styles/print.css" media="screen,print" />


<body onload="window.print();">

  {if isset($ORDER_LIST)}

  {foreach from=$ORDER_LIST item=order}



   <center><img src="../images/logos/{$SKIN}.php" alt="" /></center>



  <div id="printLabel">


<b>Delivery Address:</b>


	 {$order.title_d} {$order.first_name_d} {$order.last_name_d}<br />

	 {if !empty($order.company_name_d)}{$order.company_name_d}<br />{/if}

	 {$order.line1_d} <br />

	 {if !empty($order.line2_d)}{$order.line2_d}<br />{/if}

	 {$order.town_d}<br />

	 {$order.state_d}, {$order.postcode_d}<br />



  <!-- <div class="sender">{$LANG.address.return_address}<br />{$STORE.address}</div>-->



   <div class="info">

  <!--<span class="orderid">-->

<strong>{$LANG.common.order_id}</strong> &nbsp; {$order.cart_order_id}&nbsp; {$order.ship_method}

  <br/><br/><strong>{$LANG.orders.title_receipt_for}</strong> {$order.order_date}



   <div class="product">

  <span class="price">{$LANG.common.price}</span>



   {foreach from=$order.items item=item}

   <div class="product">

  <span class="price">{$item.price}</span>{$item.quantity} &times; {$item.name} {if !empty($item.product_code)}({$item.product_code}){/if}

  {if isset($item.options)}

  <br />{$LANG.catalogue.title_options} {foreach from=$item.options item=option}&raquo; {$option}{/foreach}




   <div id="totals">

  <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.total_sub} <strong>{$order.subtotal}</strong></div>

  <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.total_discount} {if !empty($order.percent)}({$order.percent}){/if} <strong>{$order.discount}</strong></div>

  <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.shipping} <strong>{$order.shipping}</strong></div>

  {if isset($order.taxes)} {foreach from=$order.taxes item=tax}

  <div class="total">{$tax.name} <strong>{$tax.value}</strong></div>


  <br />

  <div class="total"><strong>{$LANG.basket.total_grand} {$order.total}</strong></div>


   {if isset($order.customer_comments)}

   <div id=" "><strong>{$LANG.orders.title_notes_extra}</strong> - {$order.customer_comments}</div>




<p><center>Thank you for buying from us!</center></p>

<p>  If there are any problems with your shipment, please let us know within three (3) days of receipt, and we will work with you to resolve the situation. We want you to be happy with your purchase. We hope we can do business again in the future, so please ask if you don't see what you are looking for.  We are working on adding our items to our Online Catalog, since we have a much larger inventory of plush animals and dolls than we have listed.</p>

<p>Please bookmark our site at <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/ ">http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog</a> and tell your friends and family about us. We also run a free Plush Memories Lost Toy Search Service at <a href="http://plushmemories.com/">http://plushmemories.com</a>. If you, or anyone you know, are looking for a lovie we will be glad to help you find it.</p>

<p align="center"><i>"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."</i></p>

<p align="center">John 14:6 KJV</p>


   <div id="footer">





  {if not empty($customer.comments)}

  <!--<div class="page-break">

   <div id="header">

  <div id="printLabel">


	<div class="sender">{$LANG.address.return_address}<br />{$STORE.address}, {$STORE.county}, {$STORE.postcode} {$STORE.country}</div>


  <div id="storeLabel">

	<img src="../images/logos/{$SKIN}.php" alt="" />



  <div class="info">

   {foreach from=$customer.comments item=note}










Maybe that will give you some ideas.

Actually this is very helpful. Any chance you know the variables for Billing address? I'd like to display the billing address to the left of the shipping address.

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<div id="storeLabel">

<img src="../images/logos/{$SKIN}.php" height="71" width="250" alt="" />



Sparky, I had the same problem but made a minor adjustment to ../admin/skins/default/templates/orders.print.php around line 26.

Original -


<div id="storeLabel">

<img src="../images/logos/{$SKIN}.php" alt="" />



Changes -


<div id="storeLabel">

<img src="../images/logos/{$SKIN}.php" height="71" width="250" alt="" />



Where the height="xx" and the Width="xx" I used a graphics package to reduce my original logo down to keep it perspective.

Hope that helps.

Okay silly question I know but when resizing what are the numbers are they pixels, mm, inches?

Thank you


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