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Attribute selection changes sku

Guest wardbro

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Guest wardbro

I have searched and searched and cannot find. I am trying to setup a product so when an attribute is selected it changes the actual sku of the item. Right now it looks as though Cubecart is setup to allow you to order a product and have attributes, but the attributes are for that particular product, for example, choose a product shirt and it has an sku. Choose a color from the attributes and/or a size and I would like it to designate a specific sku for that shirt, color and size. I can get the attributes to work, and even option sets, and also the pricing change when selecting an attribute. I am curious if anyone has discovered or knows how to get the selections in the attributes to designate the sku. I have several products with attributes that have different sku's. Please advise. Thanks.

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According to CubeCart's Facebook page, there is a screenshot of the admin's product options matrix where you can specify status, stock levels, and distinct SKUs (UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN) for each option value combination.

If I recall, the narrative with the image says due for CC520 early next year. I also get indications there will be a CC516 first.

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