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ERROR message at login?


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Hi guys,


I was still in version 5.1.5, and I was receiving the following message in red at the top of the dashboard page when I logged in:


WARNING: Please delete the setup folder from your store directory, your store may be at risk until you do.


I've now updated to v5.2.1, I did a Force Upgrade again to be sure, and it has cleared the above error message off the dashboard. And my site and shopping appear to be working fine from what I can tell, I ran some simple ordering tests...


but I'm also getting this constant error message in the System Error Log tab (a lot of them, like 5 a minute when I am logged in):


File: [hookloader.class.php] Line: [418] "SELECT * FROM `cc_CubeCart_code_snippet` ;" - Table 'rinaldis_cube601.cc_CubeCart_code_snippet' doesn't exist


And this error message to in the same tab section (not as many times, but at every log in this one is there too):


File: [dashboard.index.inc.php] Line: [246] "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS I.name ,I.stock_level AS I_stock_level, I.stock_warning AS I_stock_warning, I.product_id, M.stock_level AS M_stock_level, M.use_stock as M_use_stock, M.cached_name FROM `cc_CubeCart_inventory` AS `I` LEFT JOIN `cc_CubeCart_option_matrix` AS `M` on `I`.`product_id` = `M`.`product_id` WHERE use_stock_level = 1 AND ((M.use_stock = 1 AND M.status = 1 AND M.stock_level <= 10) OR ((I.stock_warning > 0 AND I.stock_level <= I.stock_warning) OR (I.stock_warning <= 0 AND I.stock_level <= 10))) ORDER BY I.stock_level ASC LIMIT 25 OFFSET 0;" - Table 'rinaldis_cube601.cc_CubeCart_option_matrix' doesn't exist


Not sure what it means or what I need to do? Any help is appreciated.





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Somehow, the upgrade did not run the script that added these two tables: CubeCart_code_snippet and CubeCart_option_matrix.


Find the file setupdbupgrade5.2.0.sql and copy each statement to the Query Box in Maintenance, Query Database. Each statement ends with a #EOQ. For each statement copied, click the Submit button.

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Thank you as always...OK, I found the file in my backup folder.


To be certain before I do this, here is what the file text looks like. Do I copy it all over, or just the last few lines there that end in #EOQ? I only see the one last line there that ends in #EOQ, should there be more? Does it matter I am now using 5.2.1 (because there is one labeled 5.2.1.sql as well)?



Link-iMac-2:~ Link$ /Users/Link/Desktop/files_5-1/setup/db/upgrade/5.2.0.sql ; exit;
/Users/Link/Desktop/files_5-1/setup/db/upgrade/5.2.0.sql: line 1: CubeCart_option_assign: command not found
/Users/Link/Desktop/files_5-1/setup/db/upgrade/5.2.0.sql: line 1: option_use_stock: command not found
/Users/Link/Desktop/files_5-1/setup/db/upgrade/5.2.0.sql: line 1: option_stock: command not found
/Users/Link/Desktop/files_5-1/setup/db/upgrade/5.2.0.sql: line 1: ALTER: command not found
/Users/Link/Desktop/files_5-1/setup/db/upgrade/5.2.0.sql: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/Users/Link/Desktop/files_5-1/setup/db/upgrade/5.2.0.sql: line 3: `ALTER TABLE  `CubeCart_option_assign` ADD  `matrix_include` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT  '1'; #EOQ'
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I am so sorry. I forgot that the Query Box is severely limited. You will need to make each of the statements into one single statement that wraps. Plus, you will need to add any table prefix if your database was given a prefix.

Or you can feed the the file directly to phpMyAdmin after having added any table prefix.

In the query box, enter this exactly (with table prefix if needed -- such as, `pre_CubeCart_whatever`):

ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_option_assign` DROP `option_use_stock`, DROP `option_stock`;

For the CREATE TABLE statement, make all the lines into one long line that wraps:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `CubeCart_option_matrix` (
  `matrix_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `CubeCart_option_matrix` (`matrix_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,.......


Or add the prefix to the word CubeCart and feed the file directly to phpMyAdmin.


Do the same for 5.2.1.sql.

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