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In the file /includes/global.inc.php, you can change the admin foldername (admin) and the admin filename (admin.php) to whatever you want.


And it will mostly work.


There are a couple of places in the CubeCart code that are hard-coded to use admin and admin.php.

/admin/index.php, line 2 and 3

/js/admin.js, six places, and I'm not sure how one gets around that

/js/plugins/jquery.filetree.js, line 50, same as above


Here are two examples of what should be used:

$link = $GLOBALS['storeURL'].'/'.$GLOBALS['config']->get('config','adminFile').'?_g=products';

$link = sprintf('%s?_g=products',$glob['adminFile']);

(It seems like there is a lack of consistency in the programming, but, oh well.)

$glob is not available after the Config class is instantiated. This only happens on the store side. Both $GLOBALS['config'] and $glob are available on the admin side.


And there is no guarantee that mod programmers follow this.

Guest bobdydd

Hi BSmither

Thanks for coming back so soon.


There is a very good instruction on how to do this for CubeCart Version 4



But it is not the same as version 5. Maybe someone who is a little more familiar with CC than I am could transpose it for version 5.


Anyway I will give your recommendation a go later today.


Once again thanks

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