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Cubecart / ccBill not notifying buyer of digital download link


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CuneCart 4.4.3

ccBill Payment Gateway


Installed a ccBill Payment Gateway Plug In for CubeCart on the site (see the link below)…





Consumer makes a purchase. 
I get notice from Paypal of purchase success. 
Customer gets notice from Paypal of purchase success.
Cubecart admin panel has the invoice listed.
Customer never gets a notice from my site giving them the information on how to make the download.
When the customer looks at their sales history, the sale status is "Pending".
I can take the download link listed in the admin panel invoice and cut and paste it. Downlaod works.

For some bizarre reason the Cubecart software is just not notifying the buyer of the sale. Or, in the alternative, just doesn't know the sale went through.


Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?


Hopefully it's the same fix as the below, but this fix only works for payPal and not ccBill.







Help would be MASSIVELY appreciated.


Thanks guys.

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Hi Al,


Unfortunately the Author of the PlugIn is saying that there is nothing wrong, and that thePlug In, which is designed to link CubeCart with ccBill is working.


He is technically right, though it obviously isn't working properly, like it was before the integration.


Any ideas?




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Download link email is gateway unrelated as it depends to the order status.


Any online payment gateways CubeCart 4 is using must have a code to change order status to COMPLETED when payment is cleared. When order is tangible cart code does not change order status to completed but processing and download link email is being sent (if any digital good there) along payment cleared emali. When order is digital only status changes to completed and download link email is also being sent along order completed email.


When order remains pending gateway does not change order status for whatever reason. If payment is made but order status does not chamge that means gateway code is the only code what is responsible for,

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