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Fresh Install hangs


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Welcome DEade! Glad to see you made it to the forums.


"When I click either of them absolutely nothing happens."


During the installation steps, there should have been an advisory about the need for the ionCube or the Zend "loader". (Unfortunately, a bug in CubeCart may give the wrong result with respect to the presence of Zend.)


By "nothing happens", do you mean the browser does not try to fetch the pages that the links represent? The links are completely inert?


Or do you mean you get an empty screen -- nothing to display because it seems like nothing arrived to show?


Go to this URL

You should get a long list that describes your version of PHP.


At the bottom of the top block, you should see lines that say something like:

  with ionCube Loader v.###

  with Zend Loader v.###


If you don't see "with..." whatever, then you need to contact your hosting provider and ask that they install the ionCube Loader for your PHP.


If you do see one or both of those lines, let know which ones.

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Thanks for getting to this so quickly. I get the following:


This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright © 1998-2013 Zend Technologies
    with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.4.0, Copyright © 2002-2013, by ionCube Ltd., and
    with Zend Guard Loader v3.3, Copyright © 1998-2010, by Zend Technologies

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By "nothing happens", do you mean the browser does not try to fetch the pages that the links represent? The links are completely inert?


Or do you mean you get an empty screen -- nothing to display because it seems like nothing arrived to show?



The browser does not try to fetch the pages that the links represent. The links don't appear to be inert, but after an initial flicker the form just sits there, mocking me. :dizzy:

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"The browser does not try to fetch the pages that the links represent. The links don't appear to be inert, but after an initial flicker the form just sits there, mocking me."


"Mocking me." That's a new one!


I'm glad you found the phrases in the phpinfo table. Your site is properly powered and ready to go. Except for...


When you hover the mouse cursor over the links, does your browser show (somewhere at the bottom, typically) the web address where the link should take you?


These links are not javascript powered, so even if you have problems getting javascript to run on that browser, the lack of javascript should not be what's causing the problem.


Of course, the following defeats our efforts at discovering the cause of this problem, but try manually entering your store's URL in a browser.

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Q: When you hover the mouse cursor over the links, does your browser show (somewhere at the bottom, typically) the web address where the link should take you?


A: When I hit the Submit button, it says (too quickly for me to read it) that it is transferring data from somewhere.


Q: These links are not javascript powered, so even if you have problems getting javascript to run on that browser, the lack of javascript should not be what's causing the problem.


A: I have tried it on 3 different browsers, and the required scripts are all in the right folder on my server (Cloud, by the way, could that make a difference?)


Q:  try manually entering your store's URL in a browser.


A: Have done so, without success. Have no problem getting the storefront though.


Tried to reinstall, successfully, and here is pertinent details:


Compatibility Check
5.3.26 PHP 5.2.3+
5.1.66 MySQL 4.1+
Installed GD Image Library
Installed cURL
Installed IonCube PHP Loader or Zend Optimizer
Optional Features
Not Installed APC
Not Installed bz2
Installed EXIF
Installed FileInfo
Installed Hash
Installed mCrypt
Not Installed memcache
Installed mysqli
Not Installed XCache
Not Installed XDebug
Installed ZIP
I'm getting a bit frustrated here - I know of at least two clients who want to use this, but not even being able to log in makes me feel a rank amateur!
Are you able to try it at your end please?
username is admin
password is cre82succeade
I really appreciate your help
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Your storefront is alive. (I have NoScript addon for my Firefox, and once I gave permission for your site to run javascript, everything works normally.)


Your admin page, user/pass fields filled in, when submitted, returns back to the admin login page with no indication why that happened.


"Tried to reinstall, successfully,"


This may have inadvertently caused two entries to be recorded in the CubeCart_administrators table. CubeCart Lite counts the number of records -- more than one administrator record should show an advisory. If the case is that the CC_administrators table has more than one record, please try re-installing and choose to dump (or truncate) the existing database. But before you do...


If you can access the existing database using a utility like phpMyAdmin, check the CC_Administrators table. Also, check the tables: CC_admin_error_log and CC_system_error_log. There may be clues as to why this is happening.

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I also notice that your site responds quickly. Very, very quickly. Too quickly.


I would ask that you contact your hosting provider and ask if they have some sort of server-level page caching mechanism in place. Overly-aggressive caching may be causing some interference.

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This has never been a known issue so I expect that either the server isn't compatible, the files are corrupt (or not uploaded in full) or there is some kind of other mistake or error. 


Hopefully this is resolved by now but we do have an install service if you would be keen for us to do this for you. Maybe it is worth deleting everything and the database and starting over. JavaScript is only required on upgrades as far as I know in order to automatically load stages. 

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Partial Success!

  1. Tried my first installation on 2 different computers - no luck.
  2. Tried it in 4 different browsers - no luck
  3. Tried installing it on 2 different servers - still no luck!
  4. Noted that both those servers were on the Cloud, so installed it on a cPanel based server - Yippee!

In fact the successful installation had been made on a one-page site belonging to a client who has a great bricks and mortar store. I showed it to her, with the result that she is going ape over what she has seen and in the New Year we will be buying a full licence and going ahead full bore. Superb!


BUT: I still have to solve the problem for my Cloud-based sites. I really appreciate the time you have spent on this so far. I will be getting in touch with my Cloud Host next, but all of the above may be of use you you and hopefully someone might have an answer already.

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Is there any chance you could send a secure sales ticket with access to the cloud server so we can take a look to see where it's failing? If we enable error reporting we might see something simple to enable it to work.


Pleased it works on cPanel. The majority of our customers seem to use that hosting panel. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please take a look at my post of 21 December 2013 - 12:41 PM. 

Is there enough detail there? It is only a test site at this stage, so you can make any alterations you wish. I won't touch it for the next couple of days.

We need to see files content and database probably thus webhost control panel access required. Please do use support area to open a sales ticket https://support.cubecart.com/index.php?/Tickets/Submit


Thank you.

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