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Stock level for product options added to admin product list page


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Cubecart rant day...

  • Stock level for product options added to admin product list page in 5.2.5

So what I say. As can be seen on the screen shots from DEMO SITE: the general tab for the product shows 153 stock and the product listing shows zero. So it's meaningless anyway as far as I can figure.


And further, IF the stock level in the product General Tab is zero, and that product is the only one assigned to a certain category, that category will be hidden, regardless of the amount of stock actually available in the product options matrix.


And these two numbers never seem to have any relationship to each other anyway as far as I can tell...


Please prove me wrong



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Maybe there is a bug here and we will take a look. However if you set your stock warning levels correctly you will get warning notifications on the dashboard when you login showing JUST the products that are low in stock. This is a far better approach than trying to do it on the product list page. 


I'll take a look at this issue and try to get it resolved for 5.2.6. 

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A new feature is already developed prepared for 5.2.6 month ago "Main stock level as matrix stock level summary" this will set the product main stock level as all product options matrix summary to maintain hide out of stock issue even any next one.

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....and in further relation to stock / production options...


If you choose not to display empty categories, this relies on the number added to "stock Level" in the general tab for a product.


So, regardless of the ACTUAL stock in the product options, if you forget to add a value (you can add any value at all) in "stock level", and the product is the only one in a category, that category WILL NOT display.


And further...PLEASE can we have an option to NOT display unavailable (out of stock) options......... p l e a s e



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And further...PLEASE can we have an option to NOT display unavailable (out of stock) options......... p l e a s e


I've already looked into this and it is proving VERY complex. I totally understand the requirement and will try my best to integrate this. 


...thanks Al...most important is that you're working on these 3 issues...


I think Cubecart is an exceptional product and incredible value for money.



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  • 2 months later...


And further...PLEASE can we have an option to NOT display unavailable (out of stock) options......... p l e a s e


I've already looked into this and it is proving VERY complex. I totally understand the requirement and will try my best to integrate this. 


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And further...PLEASE can we have an option to NOT display unavailable (out of stock) options......... p l e a s e


I've already looked into this and it is proving VERY complex. I totally understand the requirement and will try my best to integrate this. 



...is this coming?? Please confirm for me asap..

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