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how to change in slider on homepage

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i want to change my homepage slider.... want to add some animation in silder

pls check the code

Control.Slider = Class.create({
initialize: function(handle, track, options) {
var slider = this;

if (Object.isArray(handle)) {
this.handles = handle.collect( function(e) { return $(e) });
} else {
this.handles = [$(handle)];

this.track = $(track);
this.options = options || { };

this.axis = this.options.axis || 'horizontal';
this.increment = this.options.increment || 1;
this.step = parseInt(this.options.step || '1');
this.range = this.options.range || $R(0,1);

this.value = 0; // assure backwards compat
this.values = this.handles.map( function() { return 0 });
this.spans = this.options.spans ? this.options.spans.map(function(s){ return $(s) }) : false;
this.options.startSpan = $(this.options.startSpan || null);
this.options.endSpan = $(this.options.endSpan || null);

this.restricted = this.options.restricted || false;

this.maximum = this.options.maximum || this.range.end;
this.minimum = this.options.minimum || this.range.start;

// Will be used to align the handle onto the track, if necessary
this.alignX = parseInt(this.options.alignX || '0');
this.alignY = parseInt(this.options.alignY || '0');

this.trackLength = this.maximumOffset() - this.minimumOffset();

this.handleLength = this.isVertical() ?
(this.handles[0].offsetHeight != 0 ?
this.handles[0].offsetHeight : this.handles[0].style.height.replace(/px$/,"")) :
(this.handles[0].offsetWidth != 0 ? this.handles[0].offsetWidth :

this.active = false;
this.dragging = false;
this.disabled = false;

if (this.options.disabled) this.setDisabled();

// Allowed values array
this.allowedValues = this.options.values ? this.options.values.sortBy(Prototype.K) : false;
if (this.allowedValues) {
this.minimum = this.allowedValues.min();
this.maximum = this.allowedValues.max();

this.eventMouseDown = this.startDrag.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.eventMouseUp = this.endDrag.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.eventMouseMove = this.update.bindAsEventListener(this);

// Initialize handles in reverse (make sure first handle is active)
this.handles.each( function(h,i) {
i = slider.handles.length-1-i;
(Object.isArray(slider.options.sliderValue) ?
slider.options.sliderValue : slider.options.sliderValue) ||
slider.range.start), i);
h.makePositioned().observe("mousedown", slider.eventMouseDown);

this.track.observe("mousedown", this.eventMouseDown);
document.observe("mouseup", this.eventMouseUp);
document.observe("mousemove", this.eventMouseMove);

this.initialized = true;
dispose: function() {
var slider = this;
Event.stopObserving(this.track, "mousedown", this.eventMouseDown);
Event.stopObserving(document, "mouseup", this.eventMouseUp);
Event.stopObserving(document, "mousemove", this.eventMouseMove);
this.handles.each( function(h) {
Event.stopObserving(h, "mousedown", slider.eventMouseDown);
setDisabled: function(){
this.disabled = true;
setEnabled: function(){
this.disabled = false;
getNearestValue: function(value){
if (this.allowedValues){
if (value >= this.allowedValues.max()) return(this.allowedValues.max());
if (value <= this.allowedValues.min()) return(this.allowedValues.min());

var offset = Math.abs(this.allowedValues[0] - value);
var newValue = this.allowedValues[0];
this.allowedValues.each( function(v) {
var currentOffset = Math.abs(v - value);
if (currentOffset <= offset){
newValue = v;
offset = currentOffset;
return newValue;
if (value > this.range.end) return this.range.end;
if (value < this.range.start) return this.range.start;
return value;
setValue: function(sliderValue, handleIdx){
if (!this.active) {
this.activeHandleIdx = handleIdx || 0;
this.activeHandle = this.handles[this.activeHandleIdx];
handleIdx = handleIdx || this.activeHandleIdx || 0;
if (this.initialized && this.restricted) {
if ((handleIdx>0) && (sliderValue<this.values[handleIdx-1]))
sliderValue = this.values[handleIdx-1];
if ((handleIdx < (this.handles.length-1)) && (sliderValue>this.values[handleIdx+1]))
sliderValue = this.values[handleIdx+1];
sliderValue = this.getNearestValue(sliderValue);
this.values[handleIdx] = sliderValue;
this.value = this.values[0]; // assure backwards compat

this.handles[handleIdx].style[this.isVertical() ? 'top' : 'left'] =

if (!this.dragging || !this.event) this.updateFinished();
setValueBy: function(delta, handleIdx) {
this.setValue(this.values[handleIdx || this.activeHandleIdx || 0] + delta,
handleIdx || this.activeHandleIdx || 0);
translateToPx: function(value) {
return Math.round(
((this.trackLength-this.handleLength)/(this.range.end-this.range.start)) *
(value - this.range.start)) + "px";
translateToValue: function(offset) {
return ((offset/(this.trackLength-this.handleLength) *
(this.range.end-this.range.start)) + this.range.start);
getRange: function(range) {
var v = this.values.sortBy(Prototype.K);
range = range || 0;
return $R(v[range],v[range+1]);
minimumOffset: function(){
return(this.isVertical() ? this.alignY : this.alignX);
maximumOffset: function(){
return(this.isVertical() ?
(this.track.offsetHeight != 0 ? this.track.offsetHeight :
this.track.style.height.replace(/px$/,"")) - this.alignY :
(this.track.offsetWidth != 0 ? this.track.offsetWidth :
this.track.style.width.replace(/px$/,"")) - this.alignX);
isVertical: function(){
return (this.axis == 'vertical');
drawSpans: function() {
var slider = this;
if (this.spans)
$R(0, this.spans.length-1).each(function® { slider.setSpan(slider.spans[r], slider.getRange®) });
if (this.options.startSpan)
$R(0, this.values.length>1 ? this.getRange(0).min() : this.value ));
if (this.options.endSpan)
$R(this.values.length>1 ? this.getRange(this.spans.length-1).max() : this.value, this.maximum));
setSpan: function(span, range) {
if (this.isVertical()) {
span.style.top = this.translateToPx(range.start);
span.style.height = this.translateToPx(range.end - range.start + this.range.start);
} else {
span.style.left = this.translateToPx(range.start);
span.style.width = this.translateToPx(range.end - range.start + this.range.start);
updateStyles: function() {
this.handles.each( function(h){ Element.removeClassName(h, 'selected') });
Element.addClassName(this.activeHandle, 'selected');
startDrag: function(event) {
if (Event.isLeftClick(event)) {
if (!this.disabled){
this.active = true;

var handle = Event.element(event);
var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)];
var track = handle;
if (track==this.track) {
var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.track);
this.event = event;
(this.isVertical() ? pointer[1]-offsets[1] : pointer[0]-offsets[0])-(this.handleLength/2)
var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.activeHandle);
this.offsetX = (pointer[0] - offsets[0]);
this.offsetY = (pointer[1] - offsets[1]);
} else {
// find the handle (prevents issues with Safari)
while((this.handles.indexOf(handle) == -1) && handle.parentNode)
handle = handle.parentNode;

if (this.handles.indexOf(handle)!=-1) {
this.activeHandle = handle;
this.activeHandleIdx = this.handles.indexOf(this.activeHandle);

var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.activeHandle);
this.offsetX = (pointer[0] - offsets[0]);
this.offsetY = (pointer[1] - offsets[1]);
update: function(event) {
if (this.active) {
if (!this.dragging) this.dragging = true;
if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) window.scrollBy(0,0);
draw: function(event) {
var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)];
var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.track);
pointer[0] -= this.offsetX + offsets[0];
pointer[1] -= this.offsetY + offsets[1];
this.event = event;
this.setValue(this.translateToValue( this.isVertical() ? pointer[1] : pointer[0] ));
if (this.initialized && this.options.onSlide)
this.options.onSlide(this.values.length>1 ? this.values : this.value, this);
endDrag: function(event) {
if (this.active && this.dragging) {
this.finishDrag(event, true);
this.active = false;
this.dragging = false;
finishDrag: function(event, success) {
this.active = false;
this.dragging = false;
updateFinished: function() {
if (this.initialized && this.options.onChange)
this.options.onChange(this.values.length>1 ? this.values : this.value, this);
this.event = null;

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