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Product Options on Printed Packing Sheet


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Hi All


On our site we have really indepth product options on our products.  In some cases there can be up to 8 different options that effect the product.


We use the print packing note to pick and pack the order in our stores.  At the moment this sheet displays the options but they are all laid out in one text block.


This is not easy to read as in effect you end up with something like this:


size: medium colour: pink  : strapsize: 126cm design: track


As you can see it is easy for the packer to misread etc.


Does anyone know how we could make these options display on a seperate line for each?


Any help would be appreciated as always!


Pete Ward

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I'm not sure what "print packing note" actually is, but if it is the first page of the admin's Print Order function, and on this printout the options are listed on a line just under the name of the product in the list of products that make up the order, then try this:


In the admin template file orders.print.php, near line 43, find:

<br />{$LANG.catalogue.title_options} {foreach from=$item.options item=option}&raquo; {$option}{/foreach}

Add the HTML break tag as seen here:

<br />{$LANG.catalogue.title_options} {foreach from=$item.options item=option}&raquo; {$option}<br />{/foreach}
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  • 11 months later...

What worked?


In later versions of CubeCart, when you click the Print icon to get a hard-copy of the order, there is supposed to be a new browser window (or browser tab) with the document to print.


If this new window/tab is empty, then there may be a problem with the template, or there may be a problem with the folder that holds this new document and its permissions.


Has anything changed since this last worked? If you restore the original file, does the problem go away?

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In admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, clear the cache.


Please obtain a CubeCart package from the download section of CubeCart.com that is equal to or later than the version of CubeCart you are currently running.


From the download package, replace the file orders.print.php. This will eliminate this file as being the problem.


If you can find the PHP error_log, maybe there is something there that will give us a clue. Also, check in admin, Error Log.

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CC5212 and CC5216, orders.print.php only goes to line 97. CC602 only goes to line 123.


So, an error on line 125 means you have made some other edits to the file.


I would say line 125 is very near the end of the file, so make sure the last few lines look like:

  {if !empty($order.notes)}
  <div class="page-break">
  	<div id="header">
		<div id="printLabel">
		  <div class="sender">{$LANG.address.return_address}<br />{$STORE.address}, {$STORE.county}, {$STORE.postcode} {$STORE.country}</div>
		<div id="storeLabel">
		  <img src="{$STORE_LOGO}" alt="" />
	<div class="info">
		{foreach from=$order.notes item=note}
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