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some questions / issues for assistance login/checkout sections


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Hi, i have been trying to customize a cubecart shop for a month now, can't say i am pretty into its logic yet, hopefully i can get some assistance from someone here.


Version currently running is 5.2.5. fusion/vector 

store url is http://bettersport.gr/shop


My main to do tasks are:

1. Customizing the checkout_confirmation page


i need a login form like the one in the register/login page (and not with the pop-up). Having copied the exact code of the login form results to nothing, the login does not work, where as the popup form (i have commented it out) works like a charm. What am i missing here?


I have been trying to implement the shipping method into the basket. My goal is to select and update automatically the shipping price. No method is selected by default (i used a ;break method suggested in another thread, and it worked, now i need for the cost to update when i select a method from the dropdown (without updating button that is), is that an AJAX thing, i am not into AJAX at all, so if you have a method to suggest i would appreciate it.


Also i want to add a checkbox, that, when checked, will add an extra cost to the total and subtotal. I cannot make it work, most probably i ve got lost in the classes and db of this thing, so any assistance on this would be appreciated too.


My third issue on this is the following, i am building for extra address fields in the registration page, which hopefully will be declared as the main address cubecart is going to use (thats billing address i guess)

When logged it shows a selection of addresses if the customer wants to ship to a different address. I want this block to show ONLY when the addresses are more than one. Is that possible?


2. The other big issue i cannot seem to grasp the logic of cubecart, is how i define on which page the user goes when performing some things


for example, a user registers, and goes to the account page, a user registers while in the checkout and returns to the checkout (For example)

Where can i set these "redirects" or instructions to the cubecart engine?


Thank you in advance, tell me if you need anything form me to provide, i am in the stage that i think i am ready to make a mess of my code, so any help will be sincerely appreciated (i ll send you a pair of shoes, to whoever helps :P)



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Welcome tploumis! Glad to see you made it to the forums.


"I need a login form like the one in the register/login page (and not with the pop-up)."


Given that CubeCart allows for drop-in skins, I would suggest that you first work on the main code (/classes/ folder) to get the data you want. Once that happens, you can work on a stock skin to show that data. Then, work mainly on the stock skin to make it behave the way you want (javascript, css, etc).


Trying to work on both at the same time, especially if the skin is a third-party product that has it's own peculiar behaviors, will be difficult. For example: the pop-up login. I do not recall a stock skin doing that. If this is a feature of the skin, more than likely, the best help (probably the only help) will come from the skin designer.


"I cannot seem to grasp the logic of CubeCart, is how I define on which page the user goes when performing some things."


True, you would need a basic map of which class does which group of tasks. I suggest you find a really good programmer's text editor with a superior built-in search function (I use UltraEdit), or a really good stand-alone Search application. Once you can identify the name of the template in which the activity happens, you can search through the /classes/ folder for the code that uses that template.


Some other tips: set up a small in-home server box so that you have absolute control over it. Install XDebug in PHP. Use Firefox with Firebug.

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Thank you for your quick reply, i can tell you are the myth of cubecart, by working just a few days on it :P:)  Is there any documentation concerning the database fields, and their correspondence on the cubecart sections? Some kind of "mapping" i mean? It s a really good coding exercise, to be honest however, if i had known the several issues that would arise, i would have chosen at least a platform with a more complete and thourough -or easy to find- documentation, it s something cubecart is lacking.. It has its logic however, I have some questions also for the AIO shipping module, i will post them on the respective forum section, hopefully we will help more users of this product.

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