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Login not working


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Hello -- I am administering a cubecart 5.2.8 shopping cart.  Two days ago, after making no changes to the site, the login features does not allow customers to login.  After signing in with a valid username and password the site just returns to the login page.  I have tried to register with a new account and the database receives the new customer information but redirects to the login page without setting the values of the customer.  This seems to me to be a cookie issue but I do not know how to test it.


I searched the forum and found another member with a similar issue but I'm not sure I understood the solution.  Anyone have this happen recently in this version?


Thank you for your help.

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Can you still log in to the admin of the store? If so, please try Maintenance, Database tab, check the CubeCart_sessions table, then at the bottom, choose Repair from the selector.


If the sessions table has "crashed", then logins and shopping basket contents won't work, and maybe admin logins won't either.


You may have to access the database directly using a utility such as phpMyAdmin.

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