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error with folders path after duplicating site to a staging server rea


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I am receiving these errors when I run the staging site I have just set up, prior to testing an upgrade and am having a problem finding the cause of the issue. Can anyone help?



Warning: include(language/_/config.inc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/letmehostu.net/public_html/cart/includes/boxes/language.inc.phpon line 49

Warning: include(language/_/config.inc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/letmehostu.net/public_html/cart/includes/boxes/language.inc.phpon line 49

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'language/_/config.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear5:/usr/share/ZendFramework') in/home/sites/letmehostu.net/public_html/cart/includes/boxes/language.inc.php on line 49



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The following is the relevant lines of code of the file /includes/boxes/language.inc.php, from CC4.4.8. You may have an older version:

        #    ob_end_clean();
    ## patch for bug #1031
    if (file_exists('language'.CC_DS.LANG_FOLDER.CC_DS.'config.php')) {
        include 'language'.CC_DS.LANG_FOLDER.CC_DS.'config.php';

Note that the include statement is calling for config.php, not config.inc.php. So, you might want to make an adjustment to the above if the file in the named language folder is different.
Failed opening 'language/_/config.inc.php'
In place of the underscore is where the name of the language being used is supposed to be. LANG_FOLDER is a constant (set in /classes/session/cc_session.php), so the statement that does this may have a syntax error, or your store does not have a default language established.

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