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Products and Files not working on site


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In the public_html folder all of my web files were saved in a folder called 'cube' but unfortunately this shows your url to be www.example.com/cube so i moved all of the files so they are just in the public_html folder and not withing another one like mentioned above.


The site still opens but when you try to open products or categories a error shows up reading:

Not Found

The requested URL /organic-seeds/vegetables.html was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


What is the best way to fix this problem??



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The requested URL /organic-seeds/vegetables.html was not found on this server.


This an error being reported by your web server, not by CubeCart.


This is an SEO friendly URL, so that means there must be an .htaccess file with the proper rewrite code to parse out the whatever.html path and construct the matching index.php?seo_path=whatever.


So, please check that when you moved CubeCart, that you also moved the .htaccess file.

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Ok I see... Just looked for the file but .htaccess file doesn't visibly show up in the "cube" folder

Depending on how you are looking at and moving your files, the .htaccess file was probably there but just not visible. For exaample the default setting in most FTP programs is not to display files beginning with a .

Unless you had manually modified the original .htaccess (such as adding rewrite commands to sort out canonical / duplicate content issues which all stores should do) the new version will work fine


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So I have fixed the initial problem and the site is functioning correctly but when i google search for my page rather then coming up as Greenpatch Organic Seeds it shows "index of /" and the web url below that of www.greenpatchseeds.com




Really appreciate the help on here and hopefully this is the last one for a while :)

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Not for me. I get a block of links to the various important pages of your site.
I'm looking at the HTML of your page. Are you sure you are running CubeCart?
If so, the main.php template needs a <!DOCTYPE whatever> tag. The <html> tag is followed by <!-- Creation date: 22/03/03 -->.
What I'm looking at is: www.greenpatchseeds.com.au/

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Ok, I see it now.


I'm going to make a wild guess (because it's not really a CubeCart issue and I do not concern myself with search engines) that Google scanned your site while CubeCart was in the /cube/ folder, and the web server, not having a default document to deliver, nor an .htaccess directive to not reply with a listing of the folder's contents, got the list of the folder's contents.


Google has some Webmaster tools where you can request Google to dump all previous scans of a particular web address and do it all over again.

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There are a number of things you need to do :

1) Quickly set up 301 redirects from your old indexed urls to the closest matching url in your new store

2) Create a quality sitemap file both for your urls but also for images - this is an often forgotten Google index where it is easier to get a high ranking and can generate a lot of visits to a store. The sitemap that CubeCart generates is better than nothing but only creates the standard sitemap (not one for images or even videos if you have those) and it also needs the store owner to remember to run it regularly. We sell, install and configure a fantastic sitemap generation tool which not only creates the best quality sitemaps files for each different Google index, will do that automatically via cron on whatever schedule you want (monthly, weekly, daily etc) but also pings the major search engines telling them a new version is available. See https://www.havenswift-hosting.co.uk/clients/cart.php?gid=11or contact me for more details

3) if you havent already, setup a Google Webmasters account (and also one for Bing as well) and add ALL versions of your website (www, non www - even if you 301 redirect from one to the other as everyone should do - and also https versions). As Brian said you can ask Google to de-index specific urls (but it is almost always better to set up 301 redirects for these unless it is a link you really dont want) and you can submit your sitemap files to Google and Bing, tell them your preferred url format (with or without www) and gain a huge amount of insight into how the search see your site.

It is hard enough getting small / new E-Commerce websites into any meaningful position with search engine indexes so need to do whatever you can to help


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