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Address, Shipping and Tax not appearing in Admin Screen Enter Order

Mike MacKechnie

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We are getting ready to upgrade our version 4 Cubecart to V6 and have set up a test V6 store.

We want to use the Create Order option in the V6 Admin Panel to enter orders on behalf of customers who phone and/or email our client with orders.

We would like the following fields to be auto-populated as we enter the customer and product details:

1.       Address/Zip Code

2.       Shipping Method (drop-down list if there is more than one option)

We would also need the Shipping and Tax to be calculated when the Inventory details are added.

At present this does not happen. Is there something we’ve missed in the set-up process or it this not currently in the Cubecart V6 spec? If it’s the latter, does anyone have any mods to enable it?

CubeCart Version 6.0.4

PHP Version 5.4.40

MySQL Version 5.5.42-37.1-log

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In admin, Orders, click the Create Order tab.

On the Billing tab, Find Customers field, begin typing the last name, first name, or email address of the already registered customer who has added addresses to their account (the admin could have done this prior).

After at least three letters have been entered, a "suggestive response" list should appear with likely candidates. The more characters entered, the shorter the list.

Click on the targeted customer.

The Address drop-down selector should now be populated with all the associated addresses. Choose the one and only billing address. All the fields get populated.

On the Delivery tab,  choose a delivery address from the drop-down.

There is not (yet) a drop-down selector for all enabled shipping methods.

On the Inventory tab, there is a drop-down selector to identify the tax class you want to apply.

(Apparently) There is not (yet) the automatic fill-in of the appropriate tax value that is based on the current inventory that has been added (be sure to click the green circle to add the item). It is here that the admin may enter and add completely free-form data. It is here that products and services can be added to the order that do not exist on the storefront.


On the other hand, CC6 gives the admin the ability to view the storefront as if the admin were that customer.

From admin, Customer List, find the targeted customer in the list. Click on the "Login As" action icon.

I haven't taken this to it's conclusion, but it seems as if the admin (appearing to be the customer) can do anything the customer does to shop and make a transaction.


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Thanks Brian

Ok I can see where we were going wrong with the Billing Address; our addresses do not have anything in the 'description' field and so the drop down was displaying a blank line under "Predefined Addresses" which we didn't notice. A simple MySQL update will take care of that.

I wasn't aware of the "Login As" action, and I think that will take care of my client's needs when taking phone and email orders. We'll give it a test run before going live.

As for the auto-filling of tax and shipping, I'll create a github Feature Request.






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