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Get Shipping Rates Wihtout being Logged in


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I have been reading posts and searching on google to get info on this question, but so far have not found the info.

Is there a way for customers to see shipping rates without their being logged in.

Yes, I understand in order to get the rates the shipping companies need to know the starting address/zip code, and the delivery address/zip code. I did not see a plugin that will let the customer add in their address or zip code and country and get a shipping rate. Is there such a plugin?

Also, is it possible for me to change the message " The following errors were detected: "Unfortunately there are no suitable shipping methods available for your order. This may be because the total weight of your order is too high or we cannot ship to your country. Please contact a member of our staff for any further inquiries."

Which is in my opinion unfriendly to the customer. If I could change it to something like "You must be logged in to get accurate shipping rates"


What I did was add some products to a shopping basket, without logging in, then I clicked on the basket and got the message " The following errors were detected: "Unfortunately there are no suitable shipping methods available for your order. This may be because the total weight of your order is too high or we cannot ship to your country. Please contact a member of our staff for any further inquiries."

If I was a customer and saw that message when looking to see what is in my shopping basket, I would just leave the site. How can I:

  1.  Stop that message from appearing when someone is checking their basket without being logged in
  2. Change the message if I want
  3. Allow a customer to check out without having/creating an account or logging in.

I am a new user, and must say, everything is layed out excellent! Easy to upload products, price them, and lots of options. It's just some small stuff with shipping that is giving me some issues.

Thanks in advance for your reply

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Please let us know if this mod is suitable:

In admin, Languages, click the edit icon of the language you are using. From the drop-down selector, choose Checkout. Scroll to the 'error_shipping' key and edit the phrase to be as desired.

CubeCart does allow a customer to checkout without creating an account. Unfortunately, CubeCart is not coded to allow for missing billing and delivery addresses if the item(s) purchased is solely digital.

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bsmither - Thank You for the advice on the messages.
"re: http://www.cubecartforums.org/index.php?showtopic=19231
The mod seem like it would work, but I have a question.
It says Shipping and tax is calculated when the customer:
- selects the delivery country
- selects the delivery state (optional) - enters the delivery zipcode/postcode (optional)

You can optionally hide:
- shipping
- tax
- grand total
until the customer uses the estimator.

Once the customer logs in or registers, the estimator is no longer displayed or used"

It shows more info than when a customer is logged in and checks their basket. Is there a way to make this always on even when logged in?

Also, where do I find the link to the basket, so I can put in a link on a WordPress site that links to CubeCart?

DirtyButter - Thank you. I went to SemperFiWebServices site, but did not see checkout without account. They do however, have a display shipping without logging in. Same issue with the plugin above.

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"It shows more info than when a customer is logged in and checks their basket."

I don't have this mod, but curious to know what you think that it shows more of.

A link as simple as /store/index.php would be sufficient.

I believe DirtyButter was referencing the mod that I was also referring to.

CubeCart allows to checkout without creating an account, so there is no point to creating a mod for this.

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It appears the mod shows estimated taxes, and freight.

When I added some products to my test cart, then clicked on the basket, all it showed me was the products I added and their price.

No taxes, or estimated shipping.

I have to go to checkout to get that info.

I can not edit any items in my basket either. Unless I am missing something.

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"It appears the mod shows estimated taxes, and freight."

That is what the mod says it is designed to do. Are you saying it doesn't show such things for a non-logged-in customer (a ghost customer)?

When a ghost customer adds an item to their shopping basket, there is popup that offers to View Basket or Checkout. Normally, either choice will show an estimate of shipping and tax using the store's address as the destination.

"When I added some products to my test cart, then clicked on the basket, all it showed me was the products I added and their price."

Please tell us which skin you are using for CC604. For the Foundation skin, clicking on the image of the shopping basket (with total price next to it) should give you a popup with the items listed, a Total price, a colored box (a link) to "Checkout", and another box to "View Basket". Are you saying you do not have these boxes/links?

Are you saying that you are expecting to see what the mod provides on that popup?

There have been other reports of shoppers not being able to change the quantity of products from the "Your Shopping Basket" table. The report would say that changing a quantity of 2 to 3, then clicking "Update Basket", would not actually update the basket.

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I'm using CubeCart 6.0.4

I'm not sure where to find the skin, but it was the standard one I believe it's Foundation.

Here are some pictures of what is happening. And I am now getting errors about shipping.

Ghost_Customer_step2.png is getting ready to add a product to cart as a Ghost Customer :)

Ghost_customer3.png is showing the popup screen when I click on the cart icon in the upper RH corner.​

Notice it shows a link to the basket, and a link to checkout.

Ghost_customer4.png shows the basket. And I can not figure out why I am getting shipping errors today, when I was not getting them several days ago on a test order. (I can open a separate thread for that if you want so as not to muck this one up)

Test_Account1.png (this is after I have logged in with an account). This is the popup. Notice there is no link showing "basket."

Test_Account2.png shows the product in the basket. 

On a positive note... I did test by adjusting quantites and there was no problem. It added the quantities I changed.






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The image of "Your Shopping Basket for the ghost customer" should show shipping availability if there is any working shipping module enabled -- with those shipping charges shown as an estimate.

Just to test, enable "Per Category" shipping, then edit the category which the shown item is assigned, and enter some shipping charges.

A logged-in customer (a real customer) viewing the storefront, when clicking the Shopping Basket icon, will only be given the "Checkout" link on the popup.

When we get the problem of not having any shipping choices available, we can then discuss more about what your original observations were about.

Otherwise, I am not finding fault with CubeCart's actions.

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I enabled shipping per category and that works.

Before when the shipping was working I had enabled USPS, UPS, and FEDEX all using live account numbers and the rest of the info required.

The shipping was working properly, I added a bunch of new products and shipping does not work on any of them... except now for shipping by category.


Never Mind the Above. For Some Reason, the Weight On the Product Got Deleted. I just double checked, added it again, and now I get shipping rates.

User Error. I'm Embarassed.      Sorry.

Edited by LaughingHorse
Updated Info
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First, I really want you to know how much I appreciate your time and patience in guiding me on this. It is truly appreciated!


I have not gotten the mod yet. I asked the author a few questions and am waiting for a reply.

My ideal scenario is the following:

It shows what's in the basket, and estimated shipping costs.

be able to show estimated shipping (even for a ghost customer) by them putting in their zip code and country

show the same info for a "real" customer

be able to take the URL and put it in the header of the Word Press section.


Another potential solution would be instead of the pop up when I click on the basket image, it just brings me to the basket/checkout page.

That would probably be the easiest to implement (just guessing)

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"My ideal scenario is the following: It shows what's in the basket, and estimated shipping costs."

It? CubeCart itself, or with the mod's help? Shows? Shows where? At checkout, or the Shopping basket popup?

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"It? CubeCart itself, or with the mod's help?"


"Shows? Shows where? At checkout, or the Shopping basket popup?"

Both... Something like the attached.

Which also brings a question, is there a plugin or a piece of code you can give me so I can add a "Continue Shopping" from both the basket and checkout?

The way the checkout process seems to be working is when a person goes to their cart (if a ghost customer), or goes to checkout (if a logged in customer) they are not going to want to add anything more to their cart except to update the quantities. Am I wrong about this or missing something?


Also I think the actual easiest solution for me is some code that would let me do the following:

1 - To show the "Show Basket" on the popup whether or not a customer is logged in.

2 - Code to add a "Continue shopping" button on both the Basket, and Checkout (when they see what is in their basket) A "continue shopping" button would make it much easier for a customer to add items to their cart. And a lot of people are not really computer savvy, and would not use their back button to continue to shop (which currently to me looks like the only way to continue shopping, unless you click an item in your cart).

If you can guide me to code that will do these things, I will be greatly appreciative.

Bear in mind, I am not criticizing CubeCart. Everything is layed out really well. It has tons of features and can handle I believe almost any business. It is pretty user friendly, it just has a couple of spots that can be made more user friendly. And that can improve everyone's business, and make CubeCart the absolute premiere cart bar none.




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I looked at the skin template content.checkout.php but could not find <div class="basket_actions">
is it now called something else? Or located somewhere else?

Also is there some code that will enable the "show basket" button on the basket popup if a customer is not logged in?

If so, where would I put it?

Thank You!

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In the Foundation template content.checkout.php, near line 50:

   <div class="clearfix">
      <div class="show-for-medium-up"><a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=basket&empty-basket=true" class="button alert left"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> {$LANG.basket.basket_empty}</a></div>
      <div class="show-for-medium-up"><button type="submit" name="update" class="button secondary left" value="{$LANG.basket.basket_update}"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> {$LANG.basket.basket_update}</button></div>
      <div class="show-for-small-only"><button type="submit" name="update" class="button secondary left" value="{$LANG.basket.basket_update}"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> {$LANG.common.update}</button></div>

Add After:
      <div class="show-for-medium-up"><a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php" class="button secondary left"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> Continue Shopping?</a></div>
      <div class="show-for-small-only"><a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php" class="button secondary left"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> Continue?</a></div>

This adds one of two buttons (depending on viewport size, small or anything else) that links back to the main page.

In the Foundation template box.basket.content.php, near line 31, there is:

{if !$IS_USER}

Change to:
{if true || !$IS_USER}

This forces the following statement to be included in the rendered output regardless if the shopper is logged in.

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