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Changing What is Printed On Orders


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Hi Geotex,


Thanks for taking time to suggest a solution to my problem..

Actually I have already made that change, unfortunately to no avail:


" <!-- <div><label for="state-list">{$LANG.address.state}</label><span><input type="text" name="state" id="state-list" class="textbox required" value="{$DATA.state}" /> *</span></div>"


As mentioned above, I have tried to comment out on other of the files, and managed to remove the field, but then the form couldn´t be executed as it failed with the error 'address missing' although it actually was the state that was commented out, which leads to believe that the state field has hooks to some other functions, which I unfortunately are not able to find/change...



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It was a thought, since you did not enumerate what "other files" were tinkered with.

Perhaps the correct method was to comment out or remove the word "required" from the state field?

There are also several lines in skins/[your_template]/js/3.cubecart.validate.js you may want to review again, changing some lines like

'billing[state]': {    required: true


'billing[state]': {    required: false

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Thanks again for taking time to try and assist me in my challenges with cubecart.

The file you mention in js only seems to be present in the default skin 'foundation' and not in any of the other installed skins - I think that maybe some of the other skins borrow some js functionality from the default skin...?

Anyway - I have changed all 'state' references from 'true' to 'false', saved and then cleared cache in cubecart - then tested again - unfortunately to no avail - the 'state' field still claims it is 'required'

I have also cleared the browser, changed to a new browser that hasn´t been used on the shop before and tested - to no avail

Browsers used are Newest Edge,Firefox and Chrome

My thoughts are that maybe the reason the error message 'billing address missing' comes when ever the field 'state/county' is changed from 'required' to just 'textbox' in the 'content.checkout.confirm.php' file comes because the 'state' field somehow interacts with the 'country' field and whenever the js can´t validate the 'state' field in conjunction with the country, it errors with the 'billing address missing' error...?



Edited by Muscator
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Some experimentation clearly shows your issue, and suggests a solution I have found, but not sure where to place it.

When choosing a country that does not have state/counties, the section drop-down disappears, but the required option does not. This requires an if call that basically says that if the CountryCode in CubeCart table geo_country is not listed in CubeCart table geo_zone then skip state/country field, or mark "required=false"

The issue is not how to construct the if .. elseif but what file to add it to.

Any ideas here from others reading this posting would be appreciated.

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Hi again Geotex and others,


bsmither solved the matter completely in another topic (Customize field on order) and with thorough instructions and first tests shows that his solution works.


Thanks for all the ideas and your time on trying to help me....



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