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Coupons excluding sale items


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Sorry if I missed the point but in the current coupons section, there are 2 critical options which I wished were there. I have Estelle's coupon mod with CC4 and this includes the following:

- exclude any products that are on sale (critical)

- select from a specific category (critical)

- could also see the number of orders generated with a hyperlink opening a list of orders completed (very useful)

- Total coupon discount not to exceed (£) - never used but maybe useful for someone

 I can see that under "assigned products", I can add one by one product to include or to exclude. However, when you handle hundred of products, this task will be extremely time consuming thus the reason why Estelle's "excludes from products on sale" and/ or "select categories" options were critical.

Would you please consider adding those options with the next upgrade ?





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I've been going through the code of using a coupon and have looked specifically at what point the coupon's discount is applied.

One snag I've come across is that CubeCart offers basically four prices for the same product:

* Regular Price
* Sale Price
* Quantity Price
* Customer Group Price

I am wanting any change to the code to be able to accommodate any of these situations, so, I'm asking for any ideas on how to resolve this.

If we ignore Quantity and Group prices, then it's a simple test:
* Is the store in Sale mode, and
* Is the Sale Price greater than zero, and
* Is the Sale Price less than the Regular Price.
Then the product is on sale - deny the discount.

But do we also deny the discount for Quantity and Group prices, which might be more or less than the Sale Price?

With regard to "Total coupon discount not to exceed", in creating the coupon, one can select a fixed price discount. And with a limited number of uses, the product of those two factors should come to a known limit.

Am I missing something with respect to your idea?

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  • 3 months later...

Such sales do happen. A major clothing store sent me a coupon for 25% off - regular, sale, distress, donate a dollar, free - whatever the final price shown on the tag, there was an additional 25% off taken at checkout.

Unfortunately, this project took a dive in the ranking of priorities.

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