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Checkout forms text color


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I would like to control the text color on the 'forms' during the purchase process and going from the '1 Basket' to '4 complete'. Specifically the customer 'Billing Address' both the title word "Billing Address" and the cust. info Name, Add... etc.

All other text has been modified already (thanks) .


Lingerie Skin

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Let's take a moment to learn about a tool provided by the Firefox browser: the Element Inspector.

Be at the page where you have the address form blocks showing during checkout. Hover the mouse cursor over the phrase "Contact Details" and right-click. On the context menu that pops up, select "Inspect Element". The window that opens up will show you what the CSS rules are that apply to that which you were hovering over.

In this example, we see in the right pane that in the lingerie.css file, line 111, the color: #FFF applies to all HTML <legend> tags. In the left pane, <legend>Contact Details</legend> is within a <fieldset>, which is within a <div id="register">. To change the color of the text of only the legends within the register div, right-click in the right pane and select Add Rule.

A new rule with a best-guess selector name will be created - legend. Change that to #register legend,and hit return. (You do not want to affect all legends, just the legends in this Registration form.) Click just a few pixels to the right of the open brace to allow you to enter a new property - color: #F00. The page will acquire the new CSS property.

You can keep making changes this way. Eventually, you will want to make the edits to the actual CSS file.

Note that the "Contact Details" is in a fieldset with no ID or class, while "Billing Address", "Delivery Address", etc are all in fieldsets that do have an ID. This is fortunate because you can now overrule theĀ #register legend with #register #address_billing legend, for example. Without the ability to specifically identify an object or its parents, it would be difficult to get specific without also making changes to the HTML.

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Okay, now my inexperience is showing sadly. All those years mucking around with Perl and HTML and now its all right there in the browser, wow, thanks so much. Though in changing the text it went global and then all input fields are also white, not good, settled for grey, not perfect but at least legible. I suppose we can design ourselves into a corner sometimes.

However and all that being said, I am not sure where to find the "Contact Details" though I do have a 'customer' on file for testing so I may have passed it while registering, where should I look?


Lingerie Skin

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