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A few fulfillment companies I ran into online but have not researched in depth are. I just found these via google:
- ShipWire.com
- Chinadivision.com
- Fullfillment.com
I don't want to use amazon fba because of their branded boxes ($1 extra to unbrand), competing with the product with the data they collect and I have no interest in listing my product on amazon because I have my own sales channel set up to build my customer base.
I chatted with shipwire but it's still kind of pricey for a $20 product. Hard to compete when ebay sellers are sending out the same item for $9-10 with free shipping. I'm actually happy if I can match my cost to what they are selling for, but with $6 fulfillment fees and a product that I can find for about $4 (without freight) then I'm struggling.
The prices of Chinadivision is better than FBA and you had a personal contact you could reach by phone, but have no experiency of that.

Anybody can tell me how it goes. Give me some feedback from using fulfillment company!
Thank you!

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