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We would very much want to see you running CC6 under PHP 5.4 or newer.

Sometimes, your hosting provider gives you a control panel where you can choose what version of PHP the hosting account uses. If so, please choose a higher version of PHP.

19 hours ago, bsmither said:

We think this may be an incompatibility with versions of PHP 5.3 or lower. Will you please let us know what version of PHP is running your installation of CubeCart?

See: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/51239-resolved-problem-accessing-email-templates-in-admin/#comment-217466


Thanks, no channel options, so I have asked for an upgrade to 5.4from web host. Hopefully that will do it.

5 hours ago, Paul 0'Reilly said:

Thanks, no channel options, so I have asked for an upgrade to 5.4from web host. Hopefully that will do it.

If you are not running one of the limited number of hosting control panels that allows you to change the PHP version yourself (Cloudlinux for example does but standard cPanel doesn't) then it is unlikely your hosting company will do this for you, at least not quickly as it could potentially affect every website on that server.  5.2.17 is extremely old though and has a large number of serious security issues in addition to the problems you are already having and you should look to change ASAP.  Even 5.3.X, 5.4.X would be better but both of these release versions were moved to unsupported many years ago and even 5.5.X moves to unsupported in a matter of days - go to 5.6.X or even 7.X if possible


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