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My First CubeCart Store


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A gamer friend of mine that I had met through clash of clans(we were in the same guild), called me one day and explained that he had taken a position as a sales rep with a company called 1st Ayd six months prior.  He said they sold thousands of maintenance and sanitation supplies, but they had no online solution for their reps.  We discussed building a site that would protect pricing while also rewarding large orders as well as track the customer’s history.  After a lot of testing ecommerce solutions, a lot of failures, a lot of starting back at the beginning and quite a few sleepless nights, I decided to try CubeCart.  If only I had started there first.  CC was able to provide an answer for every goal I faced.  I was able load all of the products and although all the descriptions and graphics aren't in yet, we decided to launch it live last Thursday.  My client spent all day Friday registering all of his clients and potential clients, I then helped him with sending his first newsletter to each one of them.  Since the launch, my client has already received 11 orders for gross total of over 5K with an average order of $465.  To say that my client is ecstatic is an understatement; he told me today that when he wakes up now that first thing he does is pour a cup and check the site.  We have all order going to pending so he can throw in some freebies.  I must admit that the end product is definitely something that I am quite proud of.  I also want to say that whenever I needed any help, the forums have always provided an answer, either through reading through older ones or posting my own.  The help is awesome. 

Check it and tell me what you….


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