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New user questions

Bill Teale

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I just installed the latest cubecart for teh first time, and I understand the process of adding the products etc, I think this is a great product - but I have a couple of questions...

I looked into editing the template files to fit in my own header and footer, but could not find the tpl files, and as this job is a time sensitive thing I am putting that on the back burner to completely learn how to do it.

But I would like to have my own style front page based along the lines of the current demo I have at http://2016.carolinawreath.com/ 


How can I carry through the styles of that navigation bar into the inner pages?

How can I make this page be the main home page link?



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In CC6, everything but the actual main content area (Homepage, Categories, Products, Documents, etc) persists across all pages. The areas that persist (that is, is common to all pages) is the Header and Navigation, sidebars, and footer.

In the example, the ==LATEST RANGE== would be CubeCart's "Latest Products", and what's above it is CubeCart's Document identified as the HomePage document.

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