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Product Images Server Responded with 500 Code


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Hi There So I have been using Cube Cart for my online store and I am getting this error every time I upload a image to my Products. I have a lot of product on my site but no image to the products. I need to fix this very soon, My site is going live soon.


Server Responded with 500 Code

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@LeonGhost Welcome to the forums! Just to clarify, have you ever had a CC install where the product images uploaded properly?

What CC version are you on?

What is the file permission for the images folder?

How did you install CC - did you upload the zipped file, extract it from your cPanel Filemanager and then run setup? Or did you use some cPanel service to install? Or did you extract the files on your hard drive and then upload the files to your directory?

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We have discovered a scenario when the CubeCart package is unzipped, that at least one application that does the unzipping (WinZip) does not actually extract a folder if the folder is empty.

There are two folders in the CubeCart package that are empty: /images/source/ and /images/cache/.

When FTP'ing the expanded package to your site, these two folders will not be part of the FTP upload, and later, CubeCart will mis-behave.

Please verify the existence of these folders and that they have the same CHMOD permissions as does the /images/logos/ folder.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes, it is possible. Then, in admin, Images (File Manager), click the Update File List tab. Early versions of CC6 managed to confuse the images associated with the products. I haven't tried doing this with current versions of CC6.

Edited by bsmither
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Ok, I uploaded a 28k pic to the images/source folder and when I update the file list, the page refreshes to a blank white page, and I cannot view the image page untill I delete the file.

All of my images folders are set to 755.


I got a reply from my host wanting to know how I am uploading.  Needless to say if I tell them I cannot do it thru ftp and I cannot do it thru Cubecart then they may not be able to help either.

The store is keeping up with all the filenames somewhere, any change to the images/source filenames makes the images page blank.

Edited by 34Ford
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