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[Resolved] Terms & Conditions


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Provided you have not disabled that function (admin, Store Settings, Layout tab, "Disable Terms & Conditions checkbox on checkout"), and the skin has not been edited to hide it, it will appear provided that: in Documents, one document is chosen as the T&Cs document.



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In admin, Store Settings, Layout tab, in the Skin Settings section, the Default front-end skin is what you should take note of.

Then, find the file at: /skins/THAT_SKIN/templates/content.checkout.confirm.php. Scroll through the file looking for {if $TERMS_CONDITIONS}.

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This is the code I found, but it does not display on the checkout_confirm page.

<div class="row">
   <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><span id="error_terms_agree"><input type="checkbox" id="reg_terms" name="terms_agree" value="1" {$TERMS_CONDITIONS_CHECKED} rel="error_terms_agree"><label for="reg_terms">{$LANG.account.register_terms_agree_link|replace:'%s':{$TERMS_CONDITIONS}}</label></span></div>

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The some code must be setting $TERMS_CONDITIONS to false.

Please examine the file /classes/cubecart.class.php.

There are two places where $TERMS_CONDITIONS gets assigned a value: when registering (line 2834) and when checking out (line 1160).


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I just went and clicked all the radio buttons again under "documents". It looks like the default translation was UK English and hence it was not showing. Now the radio button is selected. It works now.

There is also a column called "Home Page" in the documents tab. Not sure what this does ..

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Ok. Here is the other issue. I see the "Terms & Conditions" checkbox show up when a user is not registered during checkout. However when a user logs in and then does a checkout, the terms and conditions dont show up. How do we force or change the "Accept Terms & Conditions" as the last mandatory step before purchase or checkout. Some kind of validation to accept T&C or no purchase.

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We can force the issue during checkout.

However, on the Registration page, there is also the appearance of the T&C checkbox. This checkbox is validated, meaning, the registrant must check this box in order to become a registered customer.

The skin template for checkout.confirm shows far different content for a logged-in customer vs a guest customer. The skin code assumes that a logged in customer has, at the time of registering, accepted the T&Cs.

To add the T&C checkbox to that part of the skin template content.checkout.confirm.php:



On a new blank line ABOVE that, add:

<div class="row">
   <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><span id="error_terms_agree"><input type="checkbox" id="reg_terms" name="terms_agree" value="1" {$TERMS_CONDITIONS_CHECKED} rel="error_terms_agree"><label for="reg_terms">{$LANG.account.register_terms_agree_link|replace:'%s':{$TERMS_CONDITIONS}}</label></span></div>


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Thanks BSmither. That didnt work. Even though the customer agrees to the T&C at registration, the credit card companies like Amex etc wants to force the T&C for every purchase. 

Any chance that we can put this "T&C" line, right before the secure checkout button?

It would be even better if we can add this "T&C" line on the credit card page. 

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It worked for me. Maybe, after having edited the template, the skin cache should have been emptied. (Admin, Maintenance, Clear cache: checked, Submit.)

(If this store is still being developed, let's try disabling the cache system. This will give us immediate indications of any changes made, anywhere. In admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, set "Enable Caching" to Disabled.)

We just need to find what 'secure checkout' button you are referring to (I don't have SSL installed on my development machine -- edit: apparently, I do!).

When you say, 'on the credit card page', I infer you are using a gateway that presents a payment form that come from your site and that your site collects the credit card info -- as opposed to the customer going to the payment processor's transaction form.


In the template content.checkout.php:


<button type="submit" name="proceed" id="checkout_proceed" class="button right">{$CHECKOUT_BUTTON} <svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-chevron-right"></use></svg></button>

On a new blank line after, add:

   <div class="right"><span id="error_terms_agree"><input type="checkbox" id="reg_terms" name="terms_agree" value="1" {$TERMS_CONDITIONS_CHECKED} rel="error_terms_agree"><label for="reg_terms">{$LANG.account.register_terms_agree_link|replace:'%s':{$TERMS_CONDITIONS}}</label></span></div>

This will put the T&C checkbox just to the left of the (Secure)Checkout button.

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To put the checkbox above the Checkout button:


   <div id="payment_method">
      <div class="row">
         <div class="small-12 columns">

Change to:

   <div id="payment_method">
      <div class="row">
         <div class="small-6 columns">


   <div class="clearfix">
      <div class="show-for-medium-up"><a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=basket&empty-basket=true" class="button alert left"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-trash-o"></use></svg> {$LANG.basket.basket_empty}</a></div>

On a new blank line above that, add:

   <div class="small-6 columns"><span class="right" id="error_terms_agree"><input type="checkbox" id="reg_terms" name="terms_agree" value="1" {$TERMS_CONDITIONS_CHECKED} rel="error_terms_agree"><label for="reg_terms">{$LANG.account.register_terms_agree_link|replace:'%s':{$TERMS_CONDITIONS}}</label></span></div>


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Ok. I found the issue. I was testing the feature while logged in as a user and hence it was not displaying it. I removed the "if $TERMS_CONDITIONS" and it works & displays perfectly. It seems like there is a flag somewhere for a registered user that it completely ignores displaying it. Removing the "if" fixed it.

I also disabled (commented out) the "if T&C" on the content.checkout.confirm page and now by default, the T&C checkbox and link shows up at the bottom of the screen right above the Secure Checkout link. Now for every purchase, the buyer will accept the T&C and this will make the credit card companies happy.

The only remaining issue is to change the color of the hyperlink for T&C and make the font a bit bigger.

Thanks a lot bsmither for your help.

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