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CKeditor deletes comment tags in product description


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The WYSIWYG CKeditor for CubeCart product descriptions tends to clean up a lot of code to comply with the DOM (it's a "feature").  I like to include some comments in the product description for my own use, like whether the postage weight is accurate or search terms so I can email links to customers that will return groups of products, eg.


Under certain circumstances, like changing text to BOLD or even changing details in the General tab, a cleanup occurs and comment tags can be deleted.  It didn't seem to happen as often if the first thing I did when editing a product was to go to the description and select source - but I wanted to guarantee that it would not happen.

So I've made two changes to includes/ckeditor/config.js

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
	config.allowedContent = true; // was bottom line, now moved to top
	config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = document.location.pathname+'?_g=filemanager&mode=fck';
	config.protectedSource.push(/<!--[\s\S]*?\>/g); // allow <comment> tag
	config.extraPlugins = 'showprotected';
	config.filebrowserWindowHeight  = 500;
	config.filebrowserWindowWidth  = 650;

I also noticed that where some comments HAD been deleted, the comments that remained untouched were inside <p></p> tags, so I now include comments inside paragraph tags rather than just floating by themselves.

For anyone else with other kinds of code tags being deleted, try a search for config.protectedSource.push to find the regular expressions you need.  If changing the CKeditor config doesn't fix the problem, try nesting your code inside tags that seem protected.

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