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[RESOLVED] Order Option Attributes Asc In Admin


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I have looked all over and can't seem to find a solution for this in Version 6.

What I need is a way to automatically sort the product options in admin so that they are displayed alphabetically. I know we can use the 'grab handle' and move them up and down etc, but this can get complicated when there are a hundred attributes. Is there a way to have them ordered alphabetically by default? 


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I could cheat this.

Using PHP MyAdmin export product_options_group as a csv file

Arrange the option_name column in alphabetical order, then over write the priority column with numbers ascending from 1.

Make a backup copy of the product_options_group table.

Truncate the table, and import your modified CSV file back in.


You could do the same with options_value


It's amateur and long winded, but if like me you don't know PHP, it works.

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