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[Resolved} Sales Items on Homepage


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Hi all,

Is there away to replace the (Latest Products) displayed on home page with the (Sales Items)

I know the key to this is in the "content.homepage" within here, but can not figure-out where to find the replacement code to display sales items instead

<div id="content_latest_products">
   <ul class="small-block-grid-1 medium-block-grid-3 large-block-grid-3" data-equalizer>
      {foreach from=$LATEST_PRODUCTS item=product}


Thanks for any help



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You can keep the template code the same. The template will show the sale items no differently than the latest products.

What needs to happen is for CubeCart to make a database query similar to the pseudo-category "Sale Items" and then give the resulting dataset to the template variable LATEST_PRODUCTS.

Looking at CubeCart->displayHomePage(), we see that the code makes queries for, and processes a dataset for, the Latest Products. At the end of all that processing, the $products array is assigned to 'LATEST_PRODUCTS'.

However, just before the template rendering engine builds the HTML with that data, there is a "hook" we can use to call Catalogue->searchCatalogue(), which is what is used to show the Sale Items page. We can assign the resultant array of sale items back to LATEST_PRODUCTS.

This is, obviously, an overview, and several factoids about CubeCart's program flow are necessary to understand.

There is an extension that has this all figured out: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/homepage-sale-products


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This is how I solved this;

with help from your clue above Since I only needed a "cosmetic" solution

I changed  "Latest Products" to "Top Deals" in  "language/definitions.xml"  

It works perfectly for me since I only plan to have a maximum of 30 products for sale per week!

Thank you

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