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Installing a cubecart store on windows 7

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Dear Misters). Of Cubecar copenhagen's work team, Good morning !; The reason of the letter is so if I want to install cubecart under windows 7 32 bits that for this I have previously installed the program xampp (which is a local web server); But inside the folder of the program xampp (c: \ xampp \ htdocs \ CubeCart-6.1.5) that is to say it is where the Cubecart store is unpacked to run it from my machine with the following address but locally (http: // localhost: 8080 / CubeCart-6.1.5 /); My question is the following In the Linux distribution for example Centos 7 how do you get the cpanel service to install a store created in Cubecart ?; Or if it is possible to also install it under windows 7 64bit Ultimate Edition, thank you for your response

Attach video of youtube installation of a Cubecart store and screen printing of a model store that I get to install cubecart

Installing a Cubecart store

Tienda creada en Cubecart (Lcdo Jose Fernando Frugone Jaramillo).jpg

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The only way I found to do this on a localhost was using xampp, but found that it was troublesome, was slow and would often stop responding (maybe that was just my PC)

In the end, I reverted to just sticking with a dedicated web server.

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