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[Resolved] Missing transaction logs/PayPal IPN


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Is anyone else having an issue with missing transaction logs?  I sell a digital product that customers expext instantly.  a good number (but not all) of my PayPal transactions are not showing up in the transaction logs and the orders are stuck in pending. The IPN history on PayPal's site shows the missing transactions. This came out of the blue yesterday -- no changes have been made to the site. 

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I had an order today that stayed at Pending - but I had received the PayPal email saying we had been paid. I double checked that the customer mailing address matched the PP address, so I reasoned that it could not be a hacker trying to get free product.

I left the listing at Pending until I had created the shipping label. I then manually moved it to Processing and then to Completed.

My guess, therefore, is that this is a temporary (I sure hope) PP issue/

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We have had reports from some clients about this happening and seems to be affecting some clients only and not others, even those on the same server and this is across multiple different servers as well - Ihave also heard from other store owners that aren't hosted with us about similar problems starting 1 1/2 to 2 days ago indicating that it is a PayPal issue.

Dont ever believe PayPal when they say there are no problems, they very often have problems and deny all knowledge - they had massive DNS routine issues just before Xmas which were confirmed by independent testing tools and yet they claimed all systems were working perfectly.

I don't do PayPal at all as dislike them (although understand for many store owners that they are easy to setup and use) and so don't have direct experience but user should check your IPN settings in your PayPal account (we have had at last two users where IPN appears to have switched off) and then also look at IPN transactions and the following URL is provided on the CubeCart support website https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNOperations/


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Confirmation from one client that after switching IPN back on, his orders are now being updated correctly again (surprise, surprise) and also from a second client that their IPN was also switched off within their PayPal account and both have said that they didnt do this, and why would they ever do that !

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My IPN is on but I haven't updated the return URL in forever. Maybe it's changed?  I see the IPNs going out in my PayPal history and the response is 200. I'm getting email receipts but about half of my incoming payments are missing from my cubecart transaction logs so I'm having to be constantly checking and manually completing orders.  I really have no clue why some are coming in and some aren't!  They're all there in PayPal but I know they are not always reliable. 

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12 hours ago, Dirty Butter said:

I haven't made a change in mine, either. It's been so long I don't even know how I knew what to put there :(


It doesnt matter what is in there as CubeCart passes the return url with each payment request - this is the way that multiple CubeCart stores can use a single PayPal account.

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I had my second payment today that did not show as Processing. The other one was 3 days ago, with payment in between that worked. Plus there have been 2 abandoned orders during that time period. Neither one of those customers has responded to my emails. That's a higher than normal for me frequency of issues for such a short time period.

I've put in a support ticket with PP, but don't really expect much from that. :(

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I was having trouble with Paypal orders automatically processing also.  For past week we have had to manually process/complete many of the orders with a few going through except for the last two days nothing, no transaction logs received from Paypal.  I even upgraded CubeCart to the latest version 6.1.5 with no help.  Re-installed Paypal standard plugin and turned on IPN notifications on Paypal.  Nothing worked but I did find in the Paypal IPN history logs that the transactions that were working had different Notification URL:

Notification URL: http://www.mystore.com/index.php?_g=rm     (Non-working transaction, never received back to my website)

Notification URL: http://www.mystore.com/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal    (Same on all working transactions)

I upgraded my PHP version from 5.5 to 5.6 on the A2 hosting Cpanel, now running PHP version 5.6.30 and my Paypal transactions are working again.

Enabling Paypal IPN notifications isn't necessary for CC6 to work but it does provide good information to review the transactions.  You might look at your Paypal IPN transaction log to see if you have a similar issue or just try updating the PHP version to 5.6.30.  It appears by looking at the two Notification URLs above the "&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal" info in the script to Paypal is missing so it will never be able to return the transaction data.

I turned off my IPN Notifications on Paypal after updating the PHP and it still works.  I  hope this helps someone with similar issue.


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I don't have any Transaction Log for the ones that were definitely paid but never taken out of Pending by PP.

I don't see any kind of Notification Url  in the last sale that went through properly in the Request Logs. Is there somewhere else to see the PayPal IPN Notifications?

I'm on PHP 5.6.30.

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If the difference in IPN URLs given to PayPal is "&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal", then it seems some version of PHP or a setting in PHP or a default setting in a different version of PHP may be affecting the ampersand. Or PayPal may no longer be able to, or want to, handle it.

In the /modules/gateway/PayPal/gateway.class.php, the following line may need to be changed:

'notify_url'	=> $GLOBALS['storeURL'].'/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal',

'notify_url'	=> $GLOBALS['storeURL'].'/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal',

Using & in a URL is best restricted to be used only if the URL is intended to be displayed visibly on a web page. The browser will auto-convert & to just & and this makes the URL syntactically valid.

To send a URL using & to another computer may or may not cause problems when that other computer tries to use the URL.

1. Did PHP, on the outgoing data, automatically convert the & to & resulting in &, thus causing confusion?
2. Did the receiving computer change, or did not change, the & back to & before trying the URL?

I suggest making the edit above, which removes much confusion.


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On 3/11/2017 at 8:28 PM, ohmyapplique said:

I upgraded my PHP version from 5.5 to 5.6 on the A2 hosting Cpanel, now running PHP version 5.6.30 and my Paypal transactions are working again.

The php version has no bearing on this issue !  We have a very large number of CubeCart hosted with us and some that were on 5.6.30 were having problems and others weren't.  This is almost certainly just another of those PayPal glitches that happen every few weeks where PayPal always claim there is no problem with their systems

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It seems that way.

When the checkout page that has the throbber saying 'Transferring...", is shown, that page has all the necessary fixedVariables and repeatVariables the gateway wants to send to the payment processor.

So, I would say the customer's browser has been told to auto-submit (auto-Post) the form that has these variables to the payment processor, then the payment processor sends back the actual transaction form with many of the data items already filled in, as obtained by the hidden form data.

That hidden form data has the store's URL that should be used to send back the IPN.

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Got a reply from PayPal's tech support today. I had sent them a copy of @bsmither's explanation of the ampersand issue and solution, plus the data about the orders of ours that did not work. I also told them there were others on the forum here having issues. Here's their reply today:


Thank you for the additional information.

You are correct, there was an issue that was truncating the IPN URL after the '&'.

Our product developers rolled out a fix to this issue on 3/11 and should no longer be causing issues.

Please let me know if you are still having issues with this on any new transactions.

I've removed Bsmither's edit to see if we get any more IPN related issues, while I still have a PP support ticket open.

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