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[Resolved] Missing transaction logs/PayPal IPN


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@bsandall You are very welcome although I think there are multiple causes - I have seen the IPN turned off in multiple customer accounts but they do still fail in accounts where it is switched on, such as @[email protected]. but we have just tried the solution from @bsmither on this site, so let's see if that fixes it here


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I've had two today left in Pending. None have completed as normal. I installed 6.1.7 last night. The Notification URL looks OK (has https:// on the front)



I tested the Endpoint in the Standard plugin screen, and it said connection was OK. But there doesn't seem to be a way to test PP to CC. It does show on PP that the HTTP response code is 200.

I just checked, and I had lost Bsmither's edit on gateway.class.php on the upgrade somehow. I've added the code change now, and hopefully that will fix it again - although there is NOT obvious error on the PP end this time.

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i am under the impression the PayPal Plugin should enter it all in for you however mine was switched off and blank i never remember filling this in before

if the we to edit the  /modules/gateway/PayPal/gateway.class.php as brian has suggested

From: 'notify_url' => $GLOBALS['storeURL'].'/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal',

To: 'notify_url' => $GLOBALS['storeURL'].'/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal',

i assume the IPN settings would be https://www.example.com/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal 

in PayPal's IPN setting feild?

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if turn on and left blank and just click save i get error message - You must enter a properly formatted URL into the Notification URL field in order to activate Instant Payment Notification.

if i enter storeurl/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal i get the same error message I've now entered https://www.example.com/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal format and its excepted it. not saying its working but PayPal's site excepted it.


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1 minute ago, foz1234 said:

if left blank and just click save i get error message - You must enter a properly formatted URL into the Notification URL field in order to activate Instant Payment Notification.

OK, I stand corrected !  You never used to have to enter anything but PayPal have obviously updated their system - we never use PayPal so dont know much about it


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Same here, manually updating orders, taking phone calls from worried customers as they aren't receiving emails, and their orders are still pending (until I get a chance to update). PP shows IPN and HTTP 200 😕

The reason I think this was is a CC issue rather than a PP issue is because my other payment gateway is also not updating customer orders 😖😖😖

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Yes DB,

HTTP response code 200

the ones that got through prior to upgrade still say 200, in fact i don't see any difference between the ones that got through and the ones that didn't which would indicate to me it was a CC issue.

even the 3 that went through over the weekend before logging into PayPal and entering the IPN url (when PayPal say IPN was switched off) seem to have sent to the correct IPN Url. 

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You don't need to specify the URL in PayPal and IPN can be turned off. CubeCart sends the IPN URL with every transaction. 

The issue here is more likely to he related to this (which has had the goal posts moved a few times):

Also please check your IPN history for status codes:


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All my IPNs suggest they were successful :nerves: Not one of these orders updated, nor did the payments from WorldPay!

History Transaction Table
Date/time created Message ID Status Transaction ID
25/04/2017 08:04 BST 6A792483WR367320V Sent 3HG05298R4
24/04/2017 17:05 BST 6T27979267341610L Sent 1WM40935K
24/04/2017 16:32 BST 4MJ23712T0671743C Sent 4D6935200E8
24/04/2017 10:21 BST 4RN83605SD142031Y Sent 0PK85052CM0

Top item message states:-

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) details

Message ID6A792483WR367320V

Date/time created25/04/2017 08:04 BST


Latest delivery attempt date/time25/04/2017 08:04 BST

Notification URLhttps://www.themodeltreeshop.co.uk/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=PayPal

HTTP response codeWhat's this?200

@Al Brookbanks this isn't just a PP issue which is why so many of us believe it to be a CC issue...

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