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[Resolved] What are these "list_item" in footer docs ?

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Working on my footer now, in the templates/box.documents.php, I noticed the following coding but I cannot see what it relates to. What are these "list item"  and what's their purpose ?

{foreach from=$DOCUMENTS_LIST_HOOKS item=list_item}
         <li><a href="{$list_item.href}" title="{$list_item.title}">{$list_item.title}</a></li>



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What you see in the skin code is so that, after plugins use hooks in the /classes/ code to add their results, there is now the means of displaying this additional data if any exists.

The hooks and plugins do not assign any data directly into $DOCUMENTS_LIST_HOOKS (technically, they can, but that's bad programming), but rather indirectly through the hook that listens for plugin code.

There is nothing bad that will happen if your skin has that code and $DOCUMENTS_LIST_HOOKS is empty. But if not empty, and the code isn't there, you will be missing out on what the plugin is providing.

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